Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my blogging friends and followers!
Let's hope 2012 brings good health and happiness to you all.

We are braving the elements on this damp dreary day - it's so mild we decided a short walk would blow the cobwebs away.

Thanks to all for your lovely comments and friendship over the last year.
Maybe this year we can meet up with one or two of you.
Have a great day.
x Jo


  1. Happy New Year to you and your family, enjoy your walk. x

  2. Gorgeous card Jo. I'm hoping we can meet up regularly :-)
    A x

  3. Wishing you & yours a VERY happy, peaceful, healthy and above all, a very creative New Year.
    Thank you for your lovely comments and for keeping in touch when I have been rubbish!

  4. Beauitiful Card.
    May 2012 bring you everything that you wish for... for you and your family. xx

  5. HAPPY NEW YEAR Jo...let's hope it's a good one?
    Hugs Sue x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.