Wednesday 28 December 2011

WOYWW - just a bit late!

Happy Wednesday everyone.
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas.
Ours weekend was spent with daughter M and was really great.

Thanks to all of you who sent beautiful Christmas cards - you are such a clever bunch!!

Not much going on in my craft room this week. I seemed to have been so busy up to Christmas that I am finding it quite a treat doing other things for a change.

The picture above shows all the gorgeous lace, braid and fabric sent to us by Rebecca for our "Dress a girl around the world" frocks. A huge parcel came along with Christmas stuff. I unpacked it and showed it to Annie and packed it away ready for the New Year when we will start again with our little frocks. So a big "Thank you" to Rebecca - it will all be put to good use.

Below are a few "dumfed" cards that I made as gifts for my Yorkshire friends. When I lived up there, they all loved to dip into our card box for special occasion cards so, I like to make sure they still have a few now and again.

I think I like this set best. I used an idea in my latest Stitch magazine and made them in a range of colours.

Well folks - short and sweet today - and late!
So a quick dash to Julia's Stamping Ground to link up with you all and I will be round to see what everyone else has been up to.

Enjoy your New Year celebrations.
Best wishes


  1. Wonderful cards Jo - the one you sent has pride of place here along with Annie's! Happy WOYWW, Di xx

  2. Such stunning cards Jo and even better in real life....I wish we has touchy feelie internet :-)
    A x

  3. Absolutely fabulous cards, so envious of your talent at dumfing. Am on the lookout for a pure wool sweater to wash in hot water (Annie told me this is what you do to form the base)- charity shops here I come.
    Glad you had a lovely Christmas with family - have a good New Year. Hugs, neet #4

  4. Your cards are amazing, so beautiful.I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and wish you a very Happy New Year, Love Shaz xx

  5. Lovely cards, no wonder they are popular.
    Carol xx

  6. lots of lovely cards, you have been busy, Happy 2012, Hugs May x x x x

  7. Your cards are gorgeous :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a very Happy New Year, I hope 2012 is a good one for you all :)
    Luv Karen #41

  8. Fun and beautiful lace you received. Your cards are so pretty. Kinda quiet here just sitting back and enjoying, my cleaning up the downstairs can wait a bit, the ole' body is quite lazy. Enjoy your countdown to 2012.

  9. Those cards are so pretty. i am not surprised your Yorkshire friends loved them, and I am sure they will be so pleased with your gifts. I like the landscapes and the ones on blue/mauve card best.

    Thank you for all your encouraging comments throughout the past year, and look forward to reading any more in 2012. Good health and happiness to you and all your family for the next year. xx Maggie #50

  10. Such beautiful cards.

    Very best wishes for 2012.


  11. Lovely stash of material to make dresses - that's a great way to start the New Year!
    Thank you for all the lovely comments and support over the past few months,
    Wishing you and yours a really Happy New Year :)
    Hugs, LLJ #35 xx

  12. What lovely cards. :) Happy WOYWW and all the best for 2012! Tango, #37

  13. Lowly cards Jo, the daisy design is very pretty indeed. So glad you had a lovely Christmas weekend.

  14. Love those cards! Lucky friends. Merry, Merry, Happy, Happy!

  15. Beautiful cards. Wishing you a creative 2012. Fiona xx

  16. Yes I like your favorites best too, although they are all pretty darned gorgeous, happy new year Jo,


  17. Gorgeous cards. So very clever. Wishing you all the best for the new year x

  18. Very interesting cards. Even though I had never heard of it before, call me a fan of dumfing!

  19. Love the cards. I'm just now getting around to visiting all the WOYWW posts. I actually had a day of crafting (my wreath is almost done) and meeting friends for a movie. yes, a good day, indeed!

    Happy WOYWW #72

  20. Lovely cards there and I hope you had a lovely day crafting with your daughter. Thanks for all your lovely comments over the year and I hope you have a lovely New Year.

  21. Such pretty cards Jo, especially the Lavender ones, your friends will be thrilled with them.
    Hope you have a fun day with your daughter crafting.

    Happy New Year to you and
    Happy Crafting!


  22. Gorgeous cards - could almost get me into felting but Mr B would divorce me if I started yet another craft, he already thinks I have far too much stuff, but what does he know???
    Happy 2012
    Ann B

  23. Your cards are goegeous!! Very clever indeed. I hope you are having a fun day crafting with your daughter. Thank you loads for visiting my desk xx

  24. Glad to hear that you had a great Christmas. The cards that you made to share with your friends are fabulous! You have a real tallent for the. I cant wait to see the little dresses again! You two do such great work for so many! Have a Happy, crafty, and blessed New Year! -Amanda #9

  25. Hello Jo, those trims are just lovely and I look forward to seeing how you use them on the little dresses. Your cards are gorgeous - I like them all but the colours in the daisy ones are fab. Thanks for all your lovely comments throughout the year, it's been a real pleasure reading your blog and I wish you many crafting hours in 2012. Happy New Year!Elizabeth #65

  26. Lovely cards there my dumfing friend!
    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  27. Lovely cards as always.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.
    Linby x

  28. Belated wishes from me too Twig....

    and.... here's to a happy and healthy New Year for us all.....

    I got a cold for Christmas..... sniffle.............snuff.......

  29. Just back from Brighton so catching up and love all the gorgeous goodies on your post. I'm proud to have one of your special cards too! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog... we've had a great time with them all.
    love Jo x

  30. Lovely cards Jo, very pretty, bet your neighbours were sad when you moved away! Have a wonderful New Year (almost time!), see you on the other side.

    Brenda 58

  31. HAPPY NEW YEAR...hope all your dreams come true
    Hugs x

  32. Great cards. Is the stitching on paper or fabric?


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.