Wednesday 7 December 2011

WOYWW - vintage lovelies!

Good morning all!
My table today is full of vintage loveliness.
I found these tray cloths and crochet mats at the local car boot. They are so fresh and pretty.
I was going to chop them up for my crafty activities but I might keep one or two as they are in excellent condition.

This week I made some tiny silver/white hearts for daughter M. She wants to decorate her hallway with them.

My other bit of craftiness produced this cute little hoodie for baby S.
They will be well dressed babes won't they?!

Short and sweet this week.

If you are looking for little Christmas gifts you might like to check out our blog shop...
Sisters Crafty Creations - we have lots of pretty stocking fillers and special gifts which are waiting to be posted out at short notice!

Have a great day everyone and if you want to join in our mad WOYWW bloghop, then follow me to Julia's Stamping Ground and see what all the other crafty folk have been up to.

Have a great week.
x Jo


  1. I love that there is a distinction between old and unloved and old and loved (sorry vintage)! I think all the woolly knittedness will be well appreciated, by mummy even if not the little ones in these chilly times.....

  2. Beautiful finds at the car boot Jo. Make sure you do a show and tell soon.
    A x

  3. Hi Jo...the doilies are beautiful on Pintrest there is a picture of lots of doilies added to the edge of a table cloth and they look fabulous and make for a gorgeous cloth
    So popular at the moment for all sorts of projects
    Wish l had kept my Mums collection instead of selling them on a car boot, another reason to hoard stuff, you always want it at some point in time lol
    Merry Christmas x

  4. Wow you have been busy !
    I love the hearts they will look stunning in a hallway .
    And those babies will look really cool .
    what a find with those doilies

    Have a fabby week :0)

  5. Hi Jo, I can feel my fingers itching to touch those gorgeous vintage beauties ... I think I'd find it near impossible to cut into them. Love the hearts, they are soooo pretty, and the baby hoodie is sweet too. I have a question for you ... I think you have mentioned printable canvas before and I'm trying to source some, perhaps you can help? Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #5

  6. Those doilies are beautiful, how could someone part with them? Still I guess we all regret things later on in life that we have thrown out.
    Love those hearts - you are so creative.
    Sent some photos to Annie and asked her to pass them onto you.
    Hugs, Neet #1 xx

  7. Adorable hearts and hoodie! You do have an eye for goodies at car boot sales Jo - I might be stalking you next time you go, to learn some secrets! Happy WOYWW! I did laugh about you covering Annie's ironing board in grot on a weekly basis - keep her on her toes :)) Di xx

  8. The crochet doileys are gorgeous and to think I used to make those really fine ones. Don't cut them up unless they are almost worn out... they take ages to make.
    Love those hearts too. Gorgeous post!
    JoZarty x

  9. I love those heart decorations... how pretty that hallway will be!

  10. The buttons on your little hearts are lovely - they look very elegant! You have a knack for finding lovely stuff at car boots. I just think of those women long ago doing the same as we're still doing now - enjoying creating things. Wouldn't they be amazed at how we can see everyone's work on WOYWW?
    Hugs, LLJ #3 xx

  11. There are some fab finds there - how could you bear to cut them up (even think of it!) Still, I am sure you will come up with something fantastic to do with them. Have a great week.

  12. Those hearts are lovely and the hoodie is just perfect.
    I've never found such loveliness at the car boot sales, you must get up early!
    Carol xx

  13. Lovely heart decorations and I too would want to keep at least one of them whole, brave you, I frea anything I cut into would be ruined!
    Have a great week! Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn))) #31

  14. As you said - vintage loveliness. What a treasure trove to find. I love those hearts too. Thank you for your visit today and your kind comments about my golden card. Maggie #34

  15. Woo what lovely pieces you are so clever!!!

  16. Wow, those vintage pieces are just gorgeous as is those pretty little hearts, what a find, Happy WOYWW, Sue xx

  17. What a great desk and super finds from the car boot I love going to them as well. The knitwear is super and your lovely hearts. Have a lovely Wednesday, Laura

  18. Hello!
    I just wanted to say thanks for your good wishes.I love your vintage cloths too.
    M xx

  19. Such pretty hearts! and what lovely buys! i so love finds like that! Patsy from

  20. Could you really cut them up? That is why my fabric box is so overflowing, I struggle to cut up anything - even new fabric! I like the hearts, and feel inspired to follow suit.

  21. As. Creative as ever Twiggers, clove those silver hearts, great idea for decorating.

  22. I can never find such good bargains as these. Love the little hearts for M. Hugs Mrs A.

  23. Lovely finds at the car boot sale. I always seem to go the wrong ones!!
    Those hearts are pretty too.
    Have a good week.

  24. What a fabulous find! I am totally jealous! :) the little hearts are darling! Baby S is luky to have such a talented Nana! -Amanda 17

  25. Its great what you can pick up at a car boot isnt it - love the cardigan and hearts.

  26. The white and silver hearts are beautiful.


  27. Those vintage cloths are lovely, aren't they? And to think our Grans all made them for their bottom drawers! One day that may just come back into fashion, eh?

    Thanks for stopping by...

  28. Beautiful antique linens and love what you've done! Very pretty indeed. Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #56

  29. Such beautiful creations and I love the vintage doilies. Can't wait to see what you do.

  30. Your vintage pieces reminded me of my two grandmothers. They were both very keen on crochet and were always making placemats, chair backs, edgings for tablecloths and pillow cases etc. but I've no idea what happened to all their creations. I imagine their children thought they were old fashioned and got rid of them. I'm hoping that at least some of them survived and found new, appreciative homes.

  31. You really do make the prettiest items.

  32. The vintage linen you've found is beautiful, but the small white/silver hearts are excellent. They look so sweet with these beautiful silver buttons. Well done. Thanks for visiting me and sorry for my late reaction. xFranka

  33. Hello Jo,

    Love those elegant white hearts, they are simply stunning! Im sure they will look amazing and M is really thrilled with them!

    Have a good week,
    Keryn x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.