Wednesday 14 December 2011

WOYWW - dumfing fun!

A different view across my table today.
Notice a lovely little pin cushion attached to my sewing machine - thanks Jo - just what I needed. I love my pin cushions and have several which are great when I am hand sewing. BUT when I am machining they seem to bounce off my table - yes I work that fast and my table vibrates! SO  the little dragon fly covered one is perfect and means the pins will always be handy just where I need them.
I made a little Christmas mouse to post to my little Aunty in a residential home. She used to love all my crafty bits and bobs and I still feel the need to send her something even though she really doesn't take much notice these days, bless her.
Scattered round are a few of my latest dumflings. It's not a good photo - so dark and gloomy here today.

Now below you can see the stalls I loved best at the German Market in Birmingham on Sunday.
Lots of fab felted items - bags, toys, puppets, shoes etc. The colours were so bright and cheery. We had a great time - even though it poured down most of the day. We made up for it with cups of hot chocolate - and Gluehwein - and hot potatoes and mushrooms - and hot cheese sticks. YUM!
I didn't buy much but enjoyed seeing all the traditional German wares.

OK folks - only one more WOYWW before Christmas so let's see what you are all up to this week.
Join in the blog hop by following me over to Julia's Stamping Ground -  have fun!
x Jo


  1. Those colourful pics make up for the gloomy day Jo. Fab.
    A x

  2. Your sewing desk looks very inviting :) maybe I should brave the crowds of the Birmingham Market next Monday I have missed going it does not feel proper Christmassy yet this year.......

  3. Oh that wee mouse ive not seen one for years soooo cute.Takes me back my nanny (dad's mum)used to make them for us when we were younger and she was alive.I honsetly dont know where they are unless at dads.must inquire ..oh takes me back to my childhood .Thanks hun!
    Wee mice must show my daughters when they get in from school your wee mouse
    Have fab wednesday
    #hugs judex 10

  4. The German market sounds fun. I love those little boots. Enjoy woyww.
    Hugs Joanne #44

  5. Such a bright and cheerful posting Jo! I adore the little mouse :)) Di xx

  6. great looking pin cushion and dumflings. The German market looked like a lot of fun! So bright and cheery! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week and Happy Holidays! Vickie #35

  7. Seeing things and eating and drinking is the only way to enjoy the markets (LOL). Great photos and reminds me of my trip to Germany. Nostalgia.
    Love your felting - must get to grips with it soon - and the mouse - adorable.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #7 x

  8. Good morning; thought I'd pop in to say Hi quickly. Hope you have a fabulous and creative week. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us today. Those colours at the market are glorious and cheerful, just what I need on a dull day!
    Neil #13

  9. Love your little mouse and yoour Aunt is sure to love it even if she seems not to take as much notice. Wow to the colours on the market stall, vibrant and cheerful and it sounds like you had a good, if belt-stretching, time.
    Ann B

  10. Wish there was a German market near me, it looks fab! Love your little mouse too, she is so cute.
    have a great week.

  11. Oh what fun, love the little things by your machine. Awesome colors in your photos, I love to go to markets, fairs, craft shows etc. Even if I don't buy its fun to look. Nice to think of your Aunt and it's the little things that count.
    Pouring down rain here and a few too many days with lack of sunshine too. I will enjoy "all is calm" real soon.

  12. Your pin cushion attached to your sewing machine is such a fab idea. I'm forever knocking my tin of pins onto the floor. Mouse takes me back too. seem to recall MIL had one made from teasels soemhow.
    Enjoy your dumfing. One day I will have enough money for a machine!!
    Hugs Mrs A.

  13. WoW! Wish that I had thought of strapping a pin cushion to my machine! Fabulous! The German Market looks so cool. Wish that I could have been there since it looks so festive! Happy WOYWW! -Amanda 29

  14. Lovely little mousie - I'm sure she'll love him :) The pictures of the Christmas market are wonderful, so bright and cheerful!
    hugs, LLJ #34 xx

  15. how brave, I took Addie to Brum for his birthday on the 4th, and it took 30 minutes to get to a car park and twenty minutes to get in, and an hour to get back out... he had fun, I pretended....I said I wnted to do on the train (stomps feet in two year old fashion)


  16. Hi Twiglet...thanks for visiting my blogs. I see your little cute:)

  17. That market looks as though it was full of fabulousness... have a fantastic and creative week...xx

  18. I love your cards looks great too x

  19. Those markets look gorgeous, so full of colour. Your cards are pretty special as well.

  20. Hi Twiglet,
    I hope to go to Birmingham soon to see the lace exhibition at the art gallery.
    The market looks brilliant, I must try and visit one year.

  21. Oh wow. Love the market photos!!

    Happy WOYWW

  22. Hi Jo! A lot of WOYWWers visiting markets last week. The German market is sooo colorful and fun! I shoud take pictures of our local markets- it would certainly be different! Patsy from

  23. Hi we went last year or was it the year before...time flies by so fast
    Great market though
    Love all the felted wares
    Merry Christmas x

  24. Fab pics and it looks like you're really getting in the festive mood. I'm writing from home.... gave up on the wind and snow/rain/hail and drove home today instead of Sunday.
    Glad the machine pin cushion is useful!
    Love JoZarty x

  25. Meant to add that Dave and I were following rainbows all the way home and the hill on your blog header looks just like one we saw from the M5... complete with rainbow!!! Were we close and did we pass by without waving?
    Jo x

  26. At first I didn't see how the dragonfly was staying on the machine, then I finally got the picture (grin). And even if it's very dark, I still love those flowers. Happy belated WOYWW from #5.

  27. Lovely cheerful post Jo, the market looked like a lot of fun and definitely a sight for sore eyes with all that colour! Sweet little mouse and that Jo is just too clever!!

    Brenda 68

  28. I didn't go to the B'ham Christmas market this year, hope it was good.

  29. couldnt wait until tomorrow so thought id say big thankyou now for such kind thought.When i opened it memories came flooding back.Thanks so much Jo .Im making something for you but will send as dont want it to get lost in post
    hugs judex

  30. What great work! I WANT A NEW SEWING MACHINE, not going to lie! I used to sew everything....what's happened to me? Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas with family and friends and All The Best for a Safe, Happy and Healthy New Year! Thank you for your comments over the last year, I'm so happy you took the time from your busy schedule to visit - Thank You!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.