Wednesday 30 November 2011

WOYWW - all neat and tidy!

Good morning all.
Its been a wet and windy few days but quite mild for November.
We have lots of oak trees around here so the colours have been gorgeous but now the leaves have been blown down and keep filling my flowerbeds. That's Autumn for you!

Today my table looks neat and tidy because I had a mammoth clear up.
I have printed off a few more dumfed robins and doves for some more Christmas cards.
The hankies were a car boot bargain - Bruges lace.

I decided I wouldn't make any more little frocks for the "Dress a girl around the world" scheme until after Christmas. So I have put away the 34 finished ones ready to post to Louise at Sew Scrumptious (She has had over 500 little frocks sent to her so far!!!)
Here are my latest creations.......

Apart from those, I have made the other little hoodie (same as last week) and I am now knitting another in blue and white random wool.

I have made a little check pinafore for baby L and now have similar to make for P & L. as well as another set in pale pink babycord.
My daughter M also sent me home with some fabric to make a tunic/dress for her too.
Never a dull moment in this house!

OK folks let's nip over to the lovely Julia's Stamping Ground and see what all of you have been up to this week.
Thanks for calling here and leaving such lovely comments. I will try to see a few more of your desks this week - I don't know where last week went!!
x Jo


  1. So? Where are the pics of the girls dresses and the last hoodie? I like it when you wow us with all your productivity :-)
    See you soon,
    A x

  2. Busy you, loving the cards
    Hugs x

  3. Well, you had me intrigued by the Bruges Lace. I had no idea what it was, so did an internet search for it. I learn something new each time I visit. Love those doves, too. They will be super on cards. Happy WOYWW from #7.

  4. Loving all your creations just dont know where you find the time Jo!The doves look stunning!
    Have fab wednesday and creative festive wqeek ahead!
    hugs judex 9

  5. loving all those sweet have been busy...thanks for the crafty snoop...Happy WOYWW...hugs kath xxx (33)

  6. Wow 500 dresses, your family must surely be responsible for a 5th of them by now. You are doing very well with your cards to for a lady who only does sewing.......

  7. Whew... I'm out of breath reading all you've completed... all lovely and so worthwhile. Take a rest for Christmas and recharge your batteries... you deserve it!
    JoZarty xxx

  8. You definitely deserve time off from dressmaking!! Your card making supplies look fab, love the doves. happy woyww, helen 12.

  9. So much going on here - am off for a Lemsip and a lie-down! The dresses are amazing as always and I love the card images - please send some of whichever energy pills you and Annie must take each morning! Di xx

  10. Hi there and thanks for the peek into your creative zone. It looks like there is loads going on so thanks for sharing. Hope you have a brilliant week and have plenty of creative time!
    Neil #24

  11. So wonderful that the little dress production line is still going strong.

    ** Kate **

  12. Looking productive, as always

  13. Your Christmas cards are gorgeous Jo, well done and i love the lace hankies, why do i never find bargains like that when i go to the car boot (cos we go to the same one don't we?) probably because you're there earlier than me i guess!!! Up North was cold! so glad to be back home. xxx

  14. I'm totally amazed at the amount of dresses, I'm sure you must have made the majority of the 500 done so far. You are a shining example to us all - take a well deserved rest now, put your feet up and enjoy yourself - you've earned it x

  15. Oooh I have had a nice couple of weeks walking to school with my little boys and running through all the leaves with them - such fun! You sound busy with all the projects on the go! Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl – No 4

  16. What a great desk, you have been so busy with your knitting, the hankies you bought are lovely. Have a great Wednesday. Laura

  17. Happy WOYWW, always some fun seamstress ideas here. I am trying to figure out where time goes. Have lots to do as kids will be home this year for holidays and things need to be gotten into shape!!!! #40 have a wonderful week.

  18. those hankies are so pretty! Well done on making so many pretty dresses, some very lucky little girls will be receiving them!
    happy WOYWW! Debxx #92

  19. I don't have the patience for rummaging around car boots which is why I never find bargains like you do! Those hankies are very pretty, I'm sure you'll find a good use for them. And well done for all those amazing dresses, what an achievement in 2011, amazing :)
    Hugs, LLJ #40 xx

  20. Goodness! Do you think that you will actually be able to stop? Love all the little frocks. They turn out SO cute! Thanks for sharing! ~Amanda #21

  21. WOW I am tired reading about all you have accomplished this week! Until I developed the CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia I did better but still couldn't have kept up! Love the pic's of all the little dressed and the card pics. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a great week! Vickie #67

  22. And here I thought I was busy! Looks like you have more to do than me. Love those bread baskets and the little dresses are gorgeous as usual.
    Marking is all done, so now I can visit without feeling guilty.
    Happy WOYWW

  23. I think I am going mad, I am blaming it on all those exam papers I marked and old age - a lethal combination. The bread baskets are Lunch Lady's of course. LOL

  24. Wow, haven't you been busy. Love the dumfed birds. I was just telling my hubby about dumfing because I had a leaflet in with some wool I got off Ebay today, with a dumfing machine for sale (they didn't call it that, though. shame on them.) Eventually "to dumf" will be as famous as "to google." See if I'm not right. Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #26

  25. Gorgeous birds - what a brilliant idea to use the prints for card making.
    Have just told Annie (via blog)that there was so much dumfing at the Christmas Markets in Munich it was unbelievable. Kept saying "Jo and Annie would love this". Very expensive too - you need a stand over there! Will try to post some pictures before too long.
    Happy WOYWW - Hugs, Neet #26

  26. More beautiful dresses! Thanks so much for all your hard work this year making dresses. I couldn't have done it without you and Annie. Have blogged about you! Also wanted you to see the new 'Dress a Girl' blog badges I now have. Please feel free to use one if you would like to. x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.