Wednesday 21 December 2011

WOYWW - Merry Christmas makes

Good morning all.
This was the view from my window looking out towards the snow covered hills on Sunday.
Very pretty but cold and icy too for a couple of days.
Just the sort of weather for a boiler breakdown and power cuts - that was us - AND a plumbing leak that soaked a kitchen ceiling - that was daughter M.  Nothing a few pounds can't put right but we had a few cold days and an evening of knitting by candlelight!

Here are my makes for this week.....
A little knitted monster for a little boy who I am hoping to meet soon.

Three pretty, pale pink pinafore dresses made with the gorgeous fabric that Keryn sent us.
They really do look lovely and Annie will be passing them on to the girls this week.

Lastly, I will leave you with my Christmas card and wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas - have a great time. x Jo

Join in with our Wednesday blog hop - follow the link to Julia's Stamping Ground and enjoy all the crafty festivity around the globe.


  1. One very successful monster Jo. :-)
    I'm sure it will be well loved. The dresses were a big hit and will probably be worn on today's festive outing.
    Thanks so much.
    A x

  2. Hi Jo..seems to be catching then...soame here boiler been playing up for a while ow in the hands of the pumber fo a part, one of my best fiends had her's go last weekend new one went in yesterday not the first time our boiler has gone just before Christmas either old house it happened our first Chrismas
    Love the Monster
    hugs xx

  3. oooops hope you can make sence of that comment a few letters missing lol x

  4. What a time to have boiler trouble! Hope you are all sorted now and have a fabulous Christmas.

  5. That is a seriously good looking monster and very pretty dresses. Enjoy your christmas.

  6. 5 seconds of snow is all we have had in Coventry most miserable. Sorry to hear about everything. We were without heating for 2 weeks last February so you have my sympathy. I remember growing up and regularly losing electricity with the worst being the days between Christmas and New Year! Have a lovely time. Oh yes and wrist warmers - seriously. I am very attached to my fingerless gloves with a mitten top so you can have the best of both worlds. Merry Christmas Jo to you and yours x

  7. Super monster Jo - and what a lovely snowy view :) Hope you have a fabulous Christmas and all things good in 2012.

    On the domestic front, have you heard of a spray can of Stain Block? Here's a link - It's brilliant stuff for when the ceiling dries out, then you spray it with this stuff which stops the marks coming through again when it's painted over. As it's white, it's great for a quick cover up in time for Christamas 'cos you don't want to be decorating whilst basting the turkey :)) Di xx

  8. The snow looks lovely on the hills doesnt it - we only had a little fall last Saturday which finished in no time but still caused great excitement for my 7 year old! Love the monster and the dresses. Have a wonderful Christmas. Sunshine Girl – No 38

  9. Lovely view from your window and of the little blue monster and those dresses are so pretty.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
    Ann B

  10. Hope you are all nice and cosy now and looking forward to a lovely Christmas. Your makes this week are gorgeous. Pretty dresses but the monster is fantastic!
    Lots of love JoZarty
    ps Don't miss my blog candy!!

  11. No Heating Jo…………just what you need when the weather decides to change.
    My cousin and I were only discussing how we managed without central heating back in the 60’s last week when we got back from Germany. She’s had no heating since we got back and they are still trying to find out what the problem is. Just hope they sort it out for her soon because it’s the last thing she needed after all she’s been through.
    Glad yours was sorted out thought and you didn’t have too many nights knitting by candle light

    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas.


  12. Love the colour of monster and those little dresses are so sweet. Looking forward to seeing Sweet Cheeks next week and hopefully take a piccy of him with Scruffy to send to you before he goes off to Derby to live. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and a very crafty New Year. Hugs Mrs A & The Monkeys.

  13. Glad you've got your power/heating sorted before Christmas - too cold to be doing without that!
    I love that monster - he looks quite a friendly chap, not too scary :)
    Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

  14. That monster is too cute! Great Christmas card too. Have a lovely holiday!

  15. I LOVE the monster,

    have a fab Christmas and a prosperous New Year, and enjoy every second with that extensive wonderous family,


  16. There is nothing prettier than fresh snow.

    The monster is so very cute!! I have a book of knitted animals but haven't tried any yet.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    WOYWW #82

  17. Beautiful Christmas card.

    Have a lovely Christmas.


  18. love the monster, Merry Christmas, Hugs May x x x x x

  19. Dam boilers they are a flipping pest !
    Love your little monster

    Have Happy WOYWW Christmas
    Hugs xxx

  20. Not the best times for boiler problems, poor you! Love the view and your makes are fab. The Christmas card is lovely and I wish a Fabulous Christmas to you and yours xx

  21. The little monster is just fabulous and I love the dresses - who can resist a pink girls dress? It's been a wonderful, wild and exciting year for you and the family - enjoy the rest and happy faces! Thanks for sharing in such a busy week! Hope you have a very festive and wonderfully merry time - see you in 2012! Sarah at 11.

  22. I do love that monster! Sorry to hear you've had broken boilers etc, always isnt he winter isn't it?! We once had no heating at all for a whole month in February. Anyway, hope you all have a lovely and warm Christmas. xx

  23. Happy Christmas to you and yours and thank you for the beautiful view fro your window and all the lovely makes of the week. Blessings. Neet x #4

  24. what a lovely view, and a Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  25. Beautiful card Jo, really csperfect for the season. so sorry to read about the boiler and the leak- collective bad timing, huh. Alls well that ends well though, just in time. Wishing you a happy and warm Christmas.

  26. What a beautiful view! Merry Christmas and all the best for 2012! x

  27. You are lucky, just the right amount of snow - enough to look pretty but not enough to cause problems. Haven't had any here yet and hoping there won't be any until I'm safely home after my Christmas break.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  28. Sorry I am posting by pasting the same to everyone …I hate to do this but it saves on energy that I lack and time, as I am a slow typer.
    THANK YOU so much for your good wishes …they cheered me up so much. I will up date you all on my health issues after the festive break but at least my balance problems have sorted them selves out and I think I shall be well enough to enjoy the Festive Holiday break. I enjoyed reading your post as I always do.
    All my good wishes to you and your family. xx
    Your card is gorgeous.

  29. Hi Jo,

    The monster is just FAB! What fun will be had with him!

    Oh the dresses look beautiful! So much better to see them made into something useful instead of hidden in a bin liner in my cupboard!

    Keryn x

  30. Hello Jo, just popping in late to say I've really enjoyed visiting your blog, and admiring your handiwork throughout the year. It's been fun getting to know you, virtually that is :) Gorgeous view but I'd rather be looking out at it than in it. Sounds as though you're having a run of bad luck - hope you are all warm and cosy now and I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Elizabeth x #46

  31. awesome makes this week Jo! Love the monster and I would bet someone is going to be very happy to play with it! Thanks for sharing. I am really late getting around to all the blogs this week but hey it happened before and it will probably happen again. Hope you and your family have a Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas this year! Vickie #44

  32. Just to let you know Scruffy has arrived safe and sound. He is a little cutie. Let me know when his mate Scrappy is started/finished.
    Hugs Mrs A.

    Have a super Christmas and Happy New Year.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.