Wednesday 23 November 2011

WOYWW - a busy week's worth!

Good morning happy crafters and WOYWW followers.
Lots of pics for you to enjoy today!!

My table is overflowing with exciting items!
  • My latest little peace dove Christmas card - I might make a few more of these as I quite like the lace/embroidered flowers etc and the print from a little "dumfed" dove that I made last year some time.
  • The calendar is one that I made through Vistaprint - a free offer (well apart from postage)          I just uploaded 12 of my "free-machine collages" to their website and they printed it and sent it to me within a fortnight. I love it.
  • At the top of my table you can see my little "Katie Morag" style doll. I had rather a special request for this one and was thrilled to be able to oblige.
  • I also have the lovely pale pink babycord fabric that was sent to Annie to make little pinafore dresses for her little grand daughters. She has a lot of work on at the mo so I am going to make  small, medium and large for L, L &P. What fun.
  • The check fabric is also for them and today I made a tiny little frock for the tiniest little L.
  • On my window sill is gorgeous pin cushion sent as a lovely surprise gift all the way across the Atlantic - from Sylvia. What better gift for a sewing gal like me! Thanks so much Sylvia - it will be put to good use here and it is really beautifully made with a pretty little tag too.

Here it is in close up..

My little knitted item of the week is this little hoody for the latest little boy added to Annie's family.
It's knitted in Sirdar Baby Crofter is is so soft and cosy. I have done my usual trick and have nearly a ball left over so I will buy another couple of balls and make one for little twin S. They are all growing so quickly I am sure he will fit this one soon.

AND just a few more frocks...
I think Louise of Sew Scrumptious says she has a total of 475 frocks collected for the " Dress a girl around the world scheme" now.

Quite a busy week then!

Must go - looking forward to a trip round your desks after my dental appointment!
x Jo


  1. What an amazing show and tell today Jo. What busy bees we are....You didn't tell the girls you came down yesterday and did my ironing too. Just couldn't manage without you sis.
    Love you to bits.
    Big hugs,
    A x

  2. Busy you..good luck at the dentists

  3. Jo you and Annie i always admire youve always got fabulous creations on view .Where you both get the energy from who knows but send me always such busy little bees with some fantastic creations on offer!
    Thanks for sharing.Have fab wednesday pop by as i have candy up for grabs hugs judex 18

  4. You and Annie are always so busy... fantastic things on show here too... have a great day.
    Helen, 8

  5. Hi there. Thanks for letting us peek into your creative space this week. It's always inspiring seeing where and how we create! Hope the rest of your week goes very well for you. You have loads going on in your creative world.
    Neil #31

  6. How lovely to have a calender with some of your creations on display! hurrah for freeness!

    It is nice to be busy with fun things. I am loving making my secret santy gifts and it is a delight rather than a chore (probably because they are so individual)! I have a slight side eye on time-scales and hope December doesn't become a nightmare!!

  7. Wow, what a show! That is a lovely knitted jacket, I know I would put my children in that most days of the week.

  8. I'm overwhelmed at all that lovely stuff on your desk. The little hoody is beautifully made!... ohh I love it all!
    Love JoZarty x

  9. What a great desk today I love the pin cushion you received and the hoody looks great as do the dresses for such a super event. Have a lovely Wednesday. Laura

  10. Afre you making those dresses in your sleep? Iv'e just counted 15!!
    It took me a whole week just to make an Elf!! Hugs Mrs A.

  11. Love the calendar Jo.
    A friend sent me one of those a couple of years back and all the pictures were of cross stitched squares I had made for the Kids Company project that I stitch for. It makes it so very personal doesn’t it.
    If they don’t take too long to come after ordering them it might be something that you could sell on Sisters Crafty Creations….just a thought.

    Looks like it’s not only Annie having a busy time of things. The amount of knitting and sewing you do between Wednesday’s always amazes me.

    Happy Crafting!
    Sue (#27)

  12. Good Morning here..
    What a fun array of projects you have had. Love your calendar. What a treasure, and a great way to share your designs.
    Send my some of your more of the cute little dresses. and on and on.. Have a wonderful week.

  13. Wow you have a busy space, lve the jumper, gorgeous! Happy woyww trace x(30)

  14. Gosh there is alot of stuff on your posting today. Be warned. Now that Vistaprint has your addy they will badger you every day! I know from experience!! Lovely pin cushion, you lucky girl!!

  15. wow you have been super busy, so love little Katie Morag, you are so clever! The button up cardigan is just beautiful too, I can see how soft and snuggly it is. Wish I could knit quickly enough, knitting a scarf (big stitches) for my eldest, still might not be finished in time for Christmas lol!
    Happy WOYWW! Have a great day! Debxx #95

  16. Oooh you have been busy! I have knitted a lovely little boy cardigan this week too - forgot how quickly they can be made! Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl – No 19

  17. When I finish reading what you have been doing... I am tired out!! Love the little knitted cardigan with hood, so cute. I wanted my Mum to knit me a scarf I saw and when I priced the wool with p&p it would have cost me over £50 for a scarf... not very viable eh? LOL

  18. Great post today. Very busy as usual not only with personal stuff but helping out others! Love the dresses! Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #64

  19. Oh Jo, you have so much beautiful work on your desk week after week. I love seeing what you have done and must say, once again those dresses are amazing.
    I just love your calendar - and what a lovely way to see your work. Great dove card, Katie Morag doll - everything.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet x #12

  20. I love that Sirdar Crofter wool - am knitting a sweater for my husband in a greeny grey colourway. It's like fairisle without the hassle!!
    Huga, LLJ #39 xx

  21. Love that pin cushion and I'm sure it will be well used...have been looking at all your lovely frocks on Louise's blog - every one a real gem! Love that hoodie - makes me want to grab some needles and start clicking...Thanks for taking some time to share your desk...Sarah at 14.

  22. Just lovely Jo, great show and tell as Annie says. I think out of that 475 dress total you and Annie must have supplied about 400 of them!!

    Brenda 82

  23. Fabulous work, love that pin cushion, and the knitting, and all those dresses!! Amazing!Have a great week, HaPPy WoYWw!

  24. Yes you have had a busy week! I don't know how you manage! Maybe you do have elves running around for you! What a wonderful calendar! And I agree your gift is too sweet for words! Patsy from

  25. what an amazing idea that calender is it ...and those dresses continue to amaze me ..,.such fun stylish needed ...good for you xx

  26. Wow, busy busy busy, Jo!! Great stuff going on there. Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #70

  27. Busy..not a good enough word to describe you really! Love your gift from Sylvia, how thoughtful. The peace dove is gorgeous, hope you've had time to make more.

  28. wow- how busy are you! Love the hoodie.
    alan T was a no show, his wife was taken into hospital and he had to turn around and go back home.

  29. Thanks so much for your message on my long overdue post - you certainly haven't got any less busy since I last checked in! xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.