Wednesday 5 October 2011


Good morning all!
Firstly, an apology for not visiting anyone last week.
I think Annie and I both felt a bit shell shocked after the events of the last few weeks and neither of us felt like blogging very much.

However, this week, things are looking better and we have a few things to celebrate.
Thankfully, M & co are home and settling to family life and so we are all breathing a huge and very grateful sigh of relief.
Annie has had other worries too and even these seem to be sorting themselves out slowly.

AND today is a special birthday.......
so help yourselves to a large glass of bubbly before you go!!
I won't be publishing a birthday portrait so you will just have to imagine what this old dear looks like - but I will say, I have coloured my hair specially and don't feel anywhere near as old as I am!!

My room is loaded with boxes of our crafty items, all ready for the Montgomery craft fair on Saturday.
I can hardly move in there but need to make a bit of space, so that I can make some pretty bunting to decorate our stall with.

My daughter M is coming with me and she has great plans for setting our stall out. We have lots of pretty things to sell so, I hope we get a good turn out. Last year it was at the end of November, on a bitterly cold snowy day - it can't be that bad this year can it?

And here are my latest little knitties for little L who is now well over 4 lbs.

Over to the Stamping Ground then - let blog hopping commence!
Have a great day - x Jo


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, happy birthday to you, haaaaaapppppy birthday to Jo, happy birthday to you xxxx
    Now l'm sure it will rain hehe
    Hugs xx

  2. Yes it's a BIG one Jo but as Grandma lived to 100 you still have a way to go yet :-) :-) :-) Hope its a really special day for you cos you deserve the best.
    Biggest hugs,
    A x

  3. Many many happy returns Jo, I hope you have a truly lovely day. Great news about the family.
    Wish you well for Saturday - it will be much much better than last year's weather, honest. And as usual, you look mightily prepared!

  4. Dear Jo, wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and plenty of joy for the days and months to come. Will enjoy and raise that virtual glass of bubbly for your special day!

  5. Happy birthday there all the way over there in Blogland!! and yes such cute little knitties too and so glad that all is finally on a more even keel for M ad co. Love Shaz in oz.x

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO hope it's agood one and you enjoy your time celebrating.Thanks for bubbly by the way bit early but wot the heck!
    Have great day on saturday hope fair goes well .
    Have fab wedensday and a creative week .Pop by as i have candy on offer until 26th
    hugs Judex9

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ...hope you have a great day. I haven't woywwed as things going on here glad to read that neice M is back home. xx

  8. Happy Birthday to You
    Squashed tomatoes and stew
    Lots of Jelly
    In Your Belly
    Happy Birthday to You.

    Hope you have a spiffing day - you deserve it after what you have all been through. Now for that glass to raise in your honour.
    Hugs, Neet #1 this week - can't believe it

  9. A very Happy Birthday to you, Jo. So glad that all the family seem to be heading the right way and recovering. Wonderful news that M and the babies are now home and doing so well. Good luck with your sale, and enjoy the day today.

  10. Very Happy Birthday Jo.
    Lots of industry in your neck of the woods too.
    Super little cardies, it's difficult to imagine the size!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Chrissie #28

  11. Congratulations!!! Have a fantabulous day and enjoy the art of just being, not being older. Love the knits - yummy sorbet colours and so cute!
    Thanks for the peek! Sarah

  12. Happy Birdie to you,
    Squashed tomatoes and stew,
    Cake and Jelly
    In your bellyyyyyyy.....
    Happy birdie to yooou :D

    Hope you have the best of days - you probably can enjoy it more now everyone's relaxed a little after the fraught two weeks you've all had. Pretty little knits, so tiny:) Hope the craft fair goes well and you don't get rained on! LLJ xx

  13. Happy Birthday Special Lady. Enjoy it to the MAX...and a toast of the bubbly for wonderful days ahead.
    Love your knitties. Do have fun at the Fair and good luck with all your wares.

  14. Happy Birthday indeed, Jo. You deserve the very happiest of days - so go grab it!!

  15. Happy Birthday JO, you celebrate it with my big brother who’s 64 today…..where do the years go.
    Talking of not seeing what you really look like, I keep putting off changing the photo in my profile. That one was taken on my 50th birthday five years ago and I look nothing like that because my hair is completely White now. I used to colour it but it grows so fast it would need doing every four weeks so I decided to go Grey gracefully.

    Good luck at the craft fair!
    Happy Sewing!

  16. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Jo xx So pleased to hear that M is home and settling in to family life with those adorable babies. Good luck with the craft fair, I hope it's a great success.

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! love those little cardies... soooooo cute! Hope the fair goes well on saturday. x

  18. Beautiful little knits Jo and good luck with the craft stall too! Have a great birthday, and many happy returns to you. 40, is it???!

    Brenda 67

  19. Happy Happy birthday! Good luck with the upcomming craft fair and time with those little ones! We all have those busy weeks where the blogs fall to the back no worries about slacking a little with so much going on in your world! -Amanda

  20. Have a Fandabydozey day. Glad to hear things are settling down. I will postpone my glass til later as I have to drive a little later today.
    Birthday Hug

  21. Happy Birthday - hope you had a fabulous day - good luck with the fayre on Saturday.

  22. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a fantastic day. Thank you so much for the latest parcel of dresses. They are all beautiful as usual!! Louise x

  23. Belated Birthday wishes to you. Those little cardis are so sweet. Love the colours. Can't believe how many little dressess are on show on Annie's blog. What a tremendous achievement. Hugs Mrs A.

  24. Happy Birthday - hope you have had a lovely day. Good luck for the fair on Sat.

    Jumbleberries xx

  25. Happy Birthday Jo - I hope you had a very celebratory kind of day. Can quite understand that you've not had a lot of blogging time recently. The little knits are gorgeous. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #75

  26. I am sure you will sell right out, your work is wonderful.
    Keep smiling and creating

  27. hi Jo..yep it's just before 2 in the morning can't sleep so thought l'd do a bit of catching up lol
    Hope your evening out was wonderful
    Happy Birthday again
    Hugs xx

  28. Happy Birthday. Those are such gorgeous little cardies. Why are small things always so adorable?

    cheers, rachel #21

  29. Hi Jo, hope you had a simply fabby birthday honey! And that the head is fine this morning:)) Love your knitties and hope the craft fair is splendiferous. Yay, using big words in comments now, snort, snort. Big hug, Di xxx

  30. Here I am wish you a belated birthday wish......hope your day was great.

  31. Happy Birthday for last week (soz a bit late). Lots of lovely bits to be taken to the craft fair. Your daughters sewing is gorgeous and in your latest post the stall looked lovely. Kezzy x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.