Wednesday 28 September 2011


Good morning all.
Just a quick post before I go down to help Wipso clear her sewing mountain - sounds like we might have a busy day.
My table is a bit messy but unexciting I am afraid. Think I have been a bit busy with other things this week!
I did manage to make a couple of dresses and I think the one in the middle was the 100th that I have made so far.

I received a pretty duvet from SueH which we will get going on next week, but we are just to shattered to even think about it this week. Thanks Sue!

And lastly a few of the items my daughter M made when she was here last week.

We are going to have a stall at the Montgomery Craft Fair on Saturday 8th October so if anyone fancies a trip out then do come over and see us. Montgomery is a quaint little town.
( more of M's crafts are in her Etsy shop - Tilly Tea Dance )

OK - I will pop over to Julia's blog and link up to WOYWW.

Just before I go ....
Many many thanks to all our blog friends who kept our spirits up this week and sent such lovely thoughts, prayers and wishes winging our way over the internet and by text and by phone. You have no idea just how much it cheered us up and kept us positive through one of the worst weeks of our lives.
x Jo


  1. Jo, I can't believe you still found time to make dresses this week - though I suppose it takes your mind of the worry. Sounds as if things are starting to improve. Thank you for finding time to stop by too.

  2. I will second your last bit Jo. What wonderful surropt all our wonderful blogging friends have been.
    A x

  3. You guys are so productive - I'm in awe of your dress collections. And what a good friend, helping Wipso with her rail. Sorry your week was such a challenge but hopefully it's on the upswing. Your DDs heart goodies are all lovely. clearly that apple didn't fall far from the tree :)

    Mary Anne

  4. Oh blimey cant you just tell how fragile my brain is Jo!! that was supposed to say 'support'!!!!
    A x

  5. Blimey - sorry had to go back and catch up there - own set of family trauma kept me away last week. Congrats on the twins. Huge amounts of sympathy for M, hard enough as it is without a load of complicated stuff. Thank goodness there are so many supportive people around in the world with best interests at heart. I found crafting the bit that keeps me sane when the world is all lumpy bumpy, wouldn't have survived the last couple of years otherwise.

  6. Everything comes out right in the just doesn't feel like it at the time. Keep smiling and also enjoy WOYWW!

  7. I wish i could have such tidy desk as you do! You hearts are stunning! Thanks for sharing1

  8. Hi Twiglet! Love those hearts - absolutely beautiful. It's so good to feel that things are on the 'up' re. M - what a week for sure. And, guess what I'm just about to do? Make another one of your gorgeous blackberry and coconut tray bakes - it went down a storm here. Absolutely fantastic recipe - anyone reading this comment should scroll down Jo's blog for the recipe and give it a try!!! Hugs, Di xx

  9. I think you will be very busy with helping Annie with her sewing mountain ...and seeing M and the babies.
    what a terrible week made even harder after it started so well with Lexi and Sams arrival.
    Love your M's, hearts. take Care xx

  10. You have to give your brain a rest from all the worrying and crafting just relieves the stress a little. So glad to hear things are slowly getting better for M - sounds as if she's definitely turned the corner though. Phew.... Hugs to you all, LLJ xxxx

  11. 100 dresses? wow Jo.

    Lovely cushions there too.

  12. Cant believe you managed to fit all that in as well
    Hope you do well on the stall xx

  13. Well done for all you have done recently, and wonderful news about M and her babies.

  14. So lovely you have still managed to put up such a fab post after the events of the week. Hope you'll soon get back to normality and all will be well.
    Love JoZarty x

  15. I've just read of your dreadful week, but so glad things are on the up now, and the babies are gorgeous! Love those hearts :)

  16. Hello have only just read all the news as not been able to comment for a while. Am so glad that things are improving. The babies are beautiful. Congratulations to everyone. Will have you all in my prayers. Anne x

  17. Glad things are improving for all of you. Lots of Excitement.
    Blogger was giving me fits this am when I had time to visit, so went for a bike ride on this most beautiful fall day here. Playing catch up now...Love the Grey Hearts. Have fun and Enjoy WOYWW

  18. I love the middle dress best, do they come in grown up rotund shortarse styleee too?


  19. That middle dress is so pretty and I love the frill. Glad to hear that things are slowly getting back to normal for you all and that the news is good positvie news. Hugs Mrs A.

  20. Glad to hear things are better this week - love the hearts - good luck with the fayre.

  21. I got a late start yesterday because I fell asleep before I could link up with Julia. Now I'm just trying to catch up. I hope the news is still good on the maternity ward. In fact, I hope things have improved tremendously, but it didn't sound like it from Annie's post.

    I KNEW you two gals were trying to clothe an entire village and you just proved it. 101 and counting. I am impressed. I hope it helped take your mind off the unpleasant part of the previous week.

  22. Wow Jo -100th dress! All the good you're doing and the support you're being - coupled with being one of the ones that has to wait at home and worry about ALL of them...I'm surprised you've managed anything at all this week.

  23. wow....seems I am away from checking out blogs for a couple days and whammo....15 posts speed past me! It will be almost good when golf season ends so I can catch up...sort of....

    Number 100 is an absolute beaut!

  24. I love those little dresses, the floral 100th one is my favourite, so pretty! The hearts are gorgeous too :)

    I've not visited here before - found you through WOYWW - but sorry to hera you've been having a tough time, and wish you better days ahead.

  25. I love what you are doing. I wish I had time to make some. I am impressed.


  26. Just sorry i could not join the fab followers who included your family in their prayers as I was away and knew nothing about it but am putting you all in now. What a terrible time for all of you.
    Congrats on your 100th dress which is beautiful and what fab things M has made - love all those buttons she has included.
    Thanks for sharing - #26 Neet xx

  27. I’m surprised that you’ve found time to do anything at all over the last couple of weeks Jo when you consider all that’s been going on. But having said that I think it’s important to still try and fit in a little bit of normality to keep you sane. At least the news is sounding good now and hopefully thing will start to as they were.

    I look forward to seeing the little dresses you make with the quilt cover I sent but in the meantime make sure you take care of yourself.

    Happy Sewing!

  28. I was just over at Wipso blog and read that things were much better. So now I can invite you to enter my giveaway if you would like to! I wouldn't mention it if things hadn't improved for your family but I would love to have you enter!
    xoxo Karen

  29. wow, i was impressed when you started on those dresses and now you have made a hundred?! i am beyond impressed! amazing! what a big heart you have. wonderful!

  30. I've been away and am happy to return to good news regarding the babes. I will still keep everyone in thought and prayer.

    Love the little pillows. I bought a lot of buttons at a thrift store a few weeks ago with grand ideas of how to use them - didn't think of shaping them into hearts on sachets. Very crafty of you!!!

    Thanks for sharing your workspace. As for me. I returned home Saturday and by Monday I had some stamp sets on the dining room table!


  31. Apologies for being so late in visiting but I really wanted to pop in and see what you were up to last week. Nice to see your desk again - shows things are settling down after the traumas you endured recently. Hopefully I will get around much quicker tomorrow. Elizabeth x #73


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.