Sunday 9 October 2011

Two brilliant chill-out Saturdays

Last Saturday I went to a really enjoyable furniture painting class at Edie's in Shrewsbury.
I took daughter M and friend T with me and we had a great time beside the River Severn learning how to create hand painted items of recycled furniture.
It was a beautiful sunny day, lovely venue with really helpful tuition from Mel and spent with excellent company.
T painted a child's chair with a little flower fairy picture for her grand daughter, M painted a lovely little mirror with a sea-side design for her spare room and I re-vamped my CD shelf.

It was a relaxing, very satisfying day and I can recommend it to anyone who fancies upcycling an item or two.

Yesterday was another brilliant day spent in the company of M. We have such a lot in common and had a good giggle as we set up our stall at the Montgomery Craft fair.

We were well supported by our friends, some of whom had travelled from Shrewsbury to enjoy the delights of shopping and lunch in the pretty little town. Thanks to them for making the effort and supporting us and thanks to Tina for popping over from her shop Indigo Moon and purchasing items from M.
It was rather quiet after lunch and all the stall holders packed up and went home early, which was a shame.
Nevertheless, we sold quite a lot, so Sisters Crafty Creations and Tilly Tea Dance now need to re-stock the shelves!!
Here are a few of the items that M still has on sale......

If anything catches your eye and you think you might like to get a few early Christmas presents sorted, then just email me -  and I will send details/prices etc..
Or check out Sisters Crafty Creations and Tilly Tea Dance 

So two super Saturdays. The only thing that could have made them better would have been Wipso's company. She has been a bit pre-occupied - as you all know, but things are looking up, so hopefully she will be free to join in with our next chill out Saturday!!


  1. Lovely photos and I enjoyed reading your post. The course on furniture painting looks like something I'd be interested in - love altering bits and pieces. Those cushions are gorgeous too. Hope you're having a lovely Sunday. Elizabeth x

  2. That looks like a lovely day out (& I should think a much needed one) So pleased to catch up on all your other news too. Well done on the sales - obviously you were going to do well your things are gorgeous. :)

  3. Oh I can't believe I also for got to say HAAAPPPYY BIIIIRTHDAY!!
    Lots of love

  4. I love learning a new craft and I can see you going home and painting everything in sight!

  5. It will be good to get back into normal life Jo but I too had a well earned chill out Saturday with my knitting needles :-)
    A x

  6. Hello Jo,

    Super post, had a super wander through it all and enjoyed the gorgeous photos too! Seems like youve had a great couple of weekends especially as they were spent with your daughter too!

    Such beautiful creations on show too!

    Keryn x

  7. Love what you did with the CD tower! You're very clever. Your stand at the fair looked lovely, how marvellous to have such company. I had a day of friends crafting in my house yesterday,joined by Miss D who is working on a large papier mache sword for a Cosplay convention. Hoewver weird her choices, I loved having her in on the crafty's special, huh!
    Relief and nice to read that Wipso's life is returning to something nearer normal and less stressful.

  8. Lovely photos Jo - and good to know that you've been enjoying a relaxing time painting....and selling stuff too :) Hope you've recovered fine from the birthday celebrations! Di xx

  9. Glad you had a good day, sorry l didn't make it, next time l hope
    hugs xx

  10. Hi..try you-tube and this one in particular looks easy with two double ended needles...
    don't think the link will show so you may need to copy and paste
    sounds like you had a fun day though hehe
    Hugs xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.