Wednesday 12 October 2011


Happy Wednesday everyone.
Thanks lots to all who left lovely birthday messages last week.
I had a great day and fab evening with friends and family too.
I thought you would like to enjoy some of my birthday flowers.

Life is a bit quieter this week - if only because I pulled something in my back on Monday and have needed to take the last couple of days at a slower speed than I am used too. Its much better today, so I am just treating it with care!! (No weight lifting or marathon running for me this week then - lol)

My table has a few brooches left over from our craft fair (see post below) plus 2 gorgeous jars of buttons that I bought on Saturday.
My favourite magazines are alongside some knitted cords which I am using to make little bracelets with.
Thanks Suz for the link to the "you tube" video showing me an easy way to make them.
(I had struggled for hours with fancy wools and a "knitting Nancy doll" and failed.)

And below are my latest knits for P and L. A pretty bright pink hoodie each and one of their favourite little shrugs for them both.

And my latest little dress for the "Dress a girl around the world scheme"

We sent a parcel of 64 to Louise - she put them on her blog Sew Scrumptious if you want a good look.

Well thats it for today - thanks for calling - I must link up with you all over at Julia's Stamping Ground now - I am a bit late today!!

Update - click here for news of the new addition to Wipso's family - he is gorgeous!!!!!


  1. Really hope your back is much better very soon. Those knitties are just gorgeous...the girls will love them I'm sure. My wool has arrived and oooooooh it's so yummy and is knitting up well so far :-)
    Big gentle healing hugs.
    A x

  2. Thank goodness - yours is always one of the names I look out for when I hop on over to the stamping ground (and it is not just for the lovely rainbow I promise). You are doing a fabulous job with the dresses. Hope your back sorts itself out soon - though I may soon be joining you in pain as my 3 year old keeps climbing up on my shoulders (using me head to pull up with) and the throwing himself back on to the sofa, I can feel my shoulder blades protesting already.......

  3. Really hope your back mends soon - know how painful that can be. Your little dresses are lovely!

    Happy WOYWW

    Debs x

  4. Hope your back is better soon. These hoodies and shrugs are just gorgeous.


  5. Hope your back is better soon. Love your knitting those hoodies are so cute

  6. Hello Jo,

    Saw a super photo of you and your daughter from the craft fayre on another blog it was gorgeous!

    Fabulous busy desk there Jo, just perfect! Filled with a super assortment of crafting goodies!

    My head was very disturbed looking at those stunning hot pink knits as for a long long while I was thinking they were for the twinnnie!! Oh my head did hurt at the confusion of seeing a new born baby boy in a hot pink shrug!!
    Needless to say the penny finally found its way around my head to drop! Doh!!

    Sending you lots of recovery wishes Jo, its no fun having a poorly back :(

    Keryn x

  7. Hope your back is healing Jo, must have been all the partying to celebrate that "special" birthday! Loved the photos from your last two Saturdays, goof times, hope Annie can join you again soon.

    Brenda 88

  8. Those lillies are so gorgeous Jo, i'm in pain with my back too, perhaps i'll come over for a coffee and we can limp around together...he! he! Sending get well wishes xx

  9. Sorry im abit lte not having good week either.Hope your bsck eases soon and not in too much pain.Love your knitted items they look scrummy and sooo cute.
    Take care and rest dont over do it i certainly know what back pain is like
    hugs judex 28

  10. Like the jars of buttons - think I would have succumbed as well! Your stall looked lovely at the fair, glad it was successful for you :)
    Hugs, LLJ xx

  11. Take it easy Jo! You do so much we don't want you slacking now with that bad back!! LOL! Lots of gorgeous stuff made there this week as ever.... the knitties are just so well made and well done on the dresses too.
    lots of love joZarty x

  12. Sorry to hear about your back ... to quote my physio, pace yourself ... and here's hoping you'll be fit enough for that marathon all the sooner. Love he little knits - such a beautiful bright colour, and the little dress is so sweet. Hope your day has been a good one. Elizabeth x #53

  13. Those Hoodies are so cute ...Take care of yourself.xx

  14. Hope your up and about quickly, I spent over 2 wks with that back mess just a waste of my life. Love the colors you've posted. ANd you desk looks like a fun project!
    Enjoy the new additions, the photos were adorable.

  15. Hi Jo..always happy to help
    Love that pink, and love the new addition to the family too
    So cute lol
    Hugs to all xx

  16. I just love those pink hoodies and shrugs :o) Hope your back eases soon xx

  17. Lovely flowers and the knitting is gorgeous. Hope your back improves soon chick - hugs, Di xx

  18. thanks for your good wishes and you'd better take care of yourself too.

  19. How on earth do you knit sooo quickly?
    Sorry to hear you are under the weather.

  20. A back ache is never pleasant, have to be careful with twisting and reaching out! Hope you feel better by now! But even with that problem, you've been awfully busy! I am amazed! Do you know that you are called a saint in some comments in other blogs for the cute little dresses you make? I second the motion! God bless your generous heart! Patsy from

  21. lots going on here, bracelets look interesting. Bad backs are miserable, hope it is better soon
    thanks for sharing

  22. Hope your back continues to improve!
    The bright pink hoodies and shrugs are fabulous! How fast do you knit?!?! Everytime I come here you have knitted a sweater or two and done all sorts of other projects as well!! Wow!
    Congrats on the newest addition to the family! What a sweetie!
    xoxo Karen

  23. Love the picture of your desk. Love your magazines too. Like to hear you're a knitter too. I'm start knitting again for two weeks ago - Christmas balls!
    Thanks for sharing. Bye, Franka

  24. Sorry I’m late this week Jo, things have just gotten away from me over the last couple of days.

    Looks like you’ve been very busy again, I just don’t know where you find the time for all the sewing and knitting. Loving the Pink hoodies…..they’re so sweet.

    By the way, I picked up another single quilt cover this week in the charity shop. It’s very bright and I think it will be perfect for the little dresses so I’ll get it in the post later today.

    Happy Sewing!

  25. Hope your fair went well, despite the dramas at home, and your bad back. Take more care of yourself. You have done so well with all those dresses.

  26. I hope your back is much better by now. I know how painful that can be. Glad you are taking it easy. And I saw all the dresses you and Wipso created. I can tell you gals are really into this charity. Happy belated WOYWW from # 11.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.