Monday 26 September 2011

Good news Monday!!

Hello blog buddies!!!
Another busy day here for Twiglet in her role as sister/aunt/great aunt!

I started the day by driving to hospital to meet Annie in maternity and bring her home for the day.
She had the twins all cosily tucked up together in their cot and awaiting their other nanny to baby sit for the morning.
Lexi was just rousing for her 10.15 feed when the nurse came to weigh her - she is almost back up to her birth weight so that's brilliant isn't it. A credit to all the loving care she has been receiving from nannies/ daddy B and maternity staff. Sam was still sound asleep (he has his feed after Lexi has been fed, changed and settled).

Once nanny arrived, Annie and I popped over to ITU to visit M.
She looked a great deal better than when I saw her last Thursday - thank goodness.

Her consultant and the neurologist checked her over and said the results of this morning's MRI scan were normal. She was chatting and even had a giggle with us over the handsome young consultant dealing with her today - so we know she is much better now that her wicked little sparkle has returned.
Her medication has been reduced and all tubes are now out. They will keep a close check on her for the rest of the day.

Annie and I went home to make 24 "Thank you" cards with a little photo of the twins so that M can give them to all the wonderful staff who have helped her and B over the last week.

I have just heard that M has now been returned to maternity so that she can begin caring for those gorgeous little twins alongside B - who is now a very competent new Dad!

We just hope and pray that, from now on, everything will be normal and that within a day or two she will be well enough to take her babies home.
Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. It has meant so much to us.
Annie is just too zapped to contemplate blogging but, once she gets a good night's sleep, I know she will want to post some photos and update you. She is visiting tonight, I think.

Love to all


  1. Wonderful news - so good to here M is now back with her babies and the little family is complete again. I think Annie has been an absolute trouper but I bet she'll be glad to have night in her own bed again. And you must be mightily relieved too. My continued good wishes to you all. Elizabeth x

  2. Dare I say congratulations all round already?
    Babies are fine, Mum is fine, so grannies and auntie will be fine too.

    Here's hoping things will continue to improve.

  3. Aww that’s wonderful news Jo, I bet you are all so relieved.
    It’s great that M is back with the little ones and now with a bit of luck Annie can get some rest too.


  4. Thats wonderful news all round Jo, give Annie my love x

  5. Thank heavens. Thanks for keeping us in touch Jo. xx

  6. That's great news, I'm so glad everything's ok.

    Rose x

  7. That is really good to hear !
    Hugs to all x

  8. Great news. Still keeping all the family in my thoughts. Hugs Mrs A.

  9. Whoop, whoop! Grins all round here - love and hugs still coming your way. I might sleep better too! Di xx

  10. aaaawwwhhhh! Such a lovely post and just what we've all wanted to hear/read/know! Thanks Jo for the update... lots of love from Jo xxx

  11. Brilliant news! Fingers crossed!

    Sandie xx

  12. Fabulous news to hear M is back on the maternity ward. Hope Annie manages a restful night. Sending love and hugs to everyone.xx

  13. How lovely to read this Jo!
    You're certainly the bearer of bright news today which is great to hear!

    Ive just seen a short clip of some dresses over in Africa and thought of you both instantly, I wondered if you might recognise any of your work?

    have a peep when you get the chance! I just had to let you know!

    Keryn x

  14. Morning Jo..relieved hey? lol
    Hope Annie got a good nights sleep too
    So pleased everything is back to how it should be and Mum Dad and babies are back together
    Huge Huge hugs and lots of Love to all xx

  15. Here's a big cheer to 21st century medicine and a very strong family who pulled together in times of crisis. Hope all is going according to plan from now on.

  16. ouf! Now the really exciting bits in life are starting ;-)

  17. Oh thank goodness brilliant news, it's great that M is back with her twins, let's hope that they will be bringing them all home soon. Annie is doing a fantastic job, and can't wait to see all the wonderful photos I bet she's been taking. And not forgetting all the fantastic aunts who have been brill and kept everybody up to date while also running around helping Annie, thank you. Kezzy xx

  18. I am so pleased and so happy for you all. It must have been SUCH a worrying and very scary time. Thank you for your stirling work updating everyone.
    I'm sorry I camne to it so late once everything was over (blame my berluidy stoopid computer for being too slow I couldn't bear to be on it for long - I'm using B's just now tucked up comfortably in his dialysis chairwith the foot rest up I can thoroughly recommend it!) But I am so pleased to have caught up with everything.
    Love and very everso very best wishes to all.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.