Wednesday 7 September 2011


Happy Wednesday everyone!
So - it looks like Autumn is here then. We had a wild windy day yesterday with lots of showers.
The leaves are turning and the blackberries are ready to pick.
I love this time of year but it seems to come round too quickly!

My table has lots of goodies to share with you today.
A fab tablecloth and 2 lovely crochet mats from the car boot. The embroidery is lovely. I am sure M will come up with something clever to make with them.
My latest extravagant spends on magazines. I will share them with M, Wipso and friend T so lots of us will enjoy them but I think nearly £10 is a lot to have to pay for 2 craft mags!
Mollie Makes is full of little crafty sewing projects and ideas and seems quite useful.
The Stitch magazine is a favourite of mine and has a couple of ideas I will be tackling when I have time.
In the bottom corner is a gorgeous crochet book which I think I will put on ebay.
Here are a few of the patterns/instructions within...

On the left of my table is a little wool skirt that I am making for our little Dutch friend. It's looking good so far. I just hope it fits and then I am going to do some fancy top-stitching to add an original touch.!
Lastly here is a snap I took in the sunshine on Sunday.

OK - I am off to see what Mrs Dunnit has been up to this week.
Have fun and see you all later.
PS check out my earlier posts for a catch up on Tilly Tea Dance's latest pics and all my little frocks!


  1. Definetly fall in Iowa..40 the past 2 nights. Fields are changing colors so farmers will soon be in the working mode.
    What a pretty yellow flower. Fun to find great things at sales huh?
    Enjoy WOYWW...Have fun

  2. Love the look of that tablecloth Jo. What a great find. Look forward to seeing what you will do with it.
    A x

  3. And we are headed into spring! Sewing is NOT my forte so I really admire you.

  4. My favourite season is Autumn but i do not like all this rain we are having at the moment. Love autumnal colours and walking through dried leaves listening to the rustle.
    Waxing lyrical apart - look forward to seeing what you do with the booty.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #4

  5. Love the flower :) hope you have a good day

    Happy Woywwing
    Jennie #14

  6. I adore Autumn /Fall just love it when the trees all change to beautiful mix of colours.My you do make jam!!!lol and those dressers are absolutely so cute .Your doing so well .
    Have fab week happy woyww
    hugs judex6

  7. beautiful butterfly photo, off to twiglet's to get the M update,

  8. I've been making jams and jellies too, only with damsons. YUM!! Where do you get The Stitch from, I might have a peek, though I have a shelf full of sewing books too! Nice finds - I admire folk who can spot the treasures amidst the junk, it's not a skill I possess :D xx

  9. Have fun reading your magazines. Skirt looks good. Saw your jams on an earlier post - yum. I need to make some
    Pear jam!? Got loads. Love M's pictures (lighthouse and Russian dolls).

  10. Gorgeous stuff! And yes! The autumn is here. I'm freezin my butt off as I write this. :) I wish we had more sun. I'm not ready for cold yet. :)

  11. Fall is coming way Too fast!!!! We have not had à summer/sun yet!!! Does it not comes this year???

    Greetz, marjolein

  12. Autumn is here, too! Have to take all my flowers inside again. I love summers - We had a lovely summer here in Finland this year.
    Love your butterfly pic :)
    Have a nice week!

  13. I agree, craft mags are silly money, but I can't live without them!!

    ** Kate **

  14. Hello!
    Sorry I have been away for such a long time...I was just soo busy but I am back now and full on snooping! Love all your new goodies! The shot with the butterfly is sooo beautiful!
    Lots of hugs,

  15. Please do not point out thats it's Autumn ...I still think its the end of Summer lol I adore that photo would make a fantastic canvas print.xx

  16. I love Mollie Makes magazine, it always has such interesting things in that I would never think of making.

  17. Oh you're as busy as ever. The mags are so expensive, you do really have to share them around or you feel a bit cheated, huh!

  18. Fantastic flower Jo!! Worth doing something with that photo for sure. Happy WOYWW! Di xx

  19. I buy mollie makes but know what you mean about the prices im more selective now about what mags i buy.
    Ive just learnt how to crochet am loving it...and im not too hot with a sewing machine, even though ive had it nearly 12 years lol...i manged to repair my sons school blazer which had a nasty rip up one side. I did an ok job :0)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Kate x

  20. I love the autumn too. Went out yesterday for a walk with Lizzie around Lymore, first time i'd done that long walk since the wedding - didn't do it all as it started to rain, but the driving wind and rain im ny face was so refreshing after being in the shop all day, by the time we got back to the Armoury the sun was out again, we were all drenched though, i think we must have looked a sight!!! M's shop and goodies are fab. See you soon

  21. Its been raining branches here recently! Bbbrrr! I love crafting magazines but you are right, they are so expensive!

  22. Yes...fall is coming! I do like fall but not when it rains. Don't you just love magazines? I do too! Your work is wonderful, you've got some lovely things there...very talented! What a stunning picture of that flower and butterfly. Thanks for the visit and have a great your day!

  23. Wow that is a super photo you took. Cheers Elaine

  24. I think what they charge for magazines these days is extortionate especially when you get them open they are fill of adverts and not much else. The other thing that really bugs me is that a lot of the companies seal them in plastic bags now so you can’t flick through to see if the content is what you’re looking for…….oh, you’ve got me on my soap box now, Lol!

    Happy Sewing !

  25. I have to agree, Autumn pips spring to the post as my favourite season and I love the run from September to Christmas eve (I think if I am being honest - the week of Christmas and New Year is nice but so busy busy busy and then such a low after). Hope we get a few sunny autumn days and foggy mornings :)

  26. Yes, autumn is definitely on the way if not here - the leaves are falling (mainly cos of the wind the other day) but I love autumn.

  27. The wind woke me up yesterday, howling around the rooftops!
    Great snap of that butterfly:) And don't you just LoVe Mollie Makes ?!!!

  28. I'm really looking forward to all the blustery winds forecast for us down here in the south UK... love all that squally, wet weather - such beautiful sunsets to be had at this time of year!

    Loving your desk - you're so talented with all that crochet and sewing! And what a beautiful photograph!
    Have a wonderful WOYWW!

  29. Beautiful Flutterby there!
    I thought of you earlier today - I saw some felting kit in Abergavenny would you believe? We have a gorgeous new wool shop opened.
    I fancy making some felt to make the Cupcakes with!! Who knows!

  30. Oooh lots of loveliness to read there - enjoy - I have just treated myself to some books too one of which is the 100 flowers to knit and crochet - I am determined to learn how to crochet soon!

  31. now if I could just get my hands on that lovely table cloth! Can you look away for a minute do you think!! Hugs Mrs A.

  32. I love the pic of the butterfly too, colours look lovely. Have a great week, happy woyww

  33. I love magazines and I just signed up for my first electronci mag. Cloth Paper Scissors just published it. I'm not sure how I like the idea of reading on a device, as opposed to holding a copy in my hand. Will I get use to it? Thanks for stopping by this WOYWW.

  34. Great booty finds there and I love your butterfly pic.
    We were talking about you in Germany when the little'un was dragging around two Baxters! You are a gem!
    JoZarty xxx

  35. It's been autumnal up here in Ayr for a few weeks now and the last couple of days we've had windy rain - not so good. For some reason your magazines, or was it the tablecloth, reminded me of the Pins & Needles magazines we used to buy years ago - there was usually an iron on embroidery pattern to pull out in each issue. Fabulous photograph - so lucky to catch the butterfly. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #50

  36. Autumn seems to come round faster and faster each year doesn't it. The butterfly pic is gorgeous, I haven't seen one like that before.
    Happy WOYWW.
    Hugs Lisa #104

  37. Hi, Jo!
    Came by to catch up on glad I waited! I love the pillow case dresses. So cute! I would love to sew, but alas, I can never seem to get it right... (lol I just realized I said 'seem')

    Apronista was such a fun class. Pics on Monday!

    Have a great week!



Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.