Thursday 8 September 2011

Tilly's new blog and my baking suggestion

Busy, busy day yesterday.
Cleaning, tidying, baking and even a bit of dress making.
Now before I forget...
Just in case you want to link up with another mad member of the family - my daughter M has set up her own blog. (Not to be confused with Annie's daughter M who is expecting twins any day now.)
My M's blog is I don't know how much time she will have for blogging as she is trying really hard to create some more lovely items for her Etsy shop -
Anyway - she has created a lovely page - I didn't realise she had such IT talent - so pop over and say hi - she will be thrilled to meet you.

Just a few things to share with you...
Di asked for the recipe for my Moccachino slices.
I found them in this little recipe book that Annie bought me for Christmas. It has lots of fab buns and tray bakes.
100g butter
225g dark brown sugar
2 large eggs
3tbsp boiling water with 1 tbsp instant coffee
2tsp baking powder
125g plain flour

284ml pot soured cream
300g white chocolate broken into chunks
4 tsp caster sugar
cocoa powder to dust
(I halved the topping ingredients and there was still enough to coat the cake)

Takes 45 mins  Makes 12 large or lots of small ones.

1. Oven 180/160 fan oven.  Greased and lined baking tin 30 x 23 cm
2. Melt butter in large pan and stir in brown sugar. Mix well
3. Take off heat and stir in beaten eggs and coffee/water.
4. Add baking powder and flour and mix really well.
5. Pour into baking sheet and bake for 20 mins until set.
6. Allow to cool and turn out onto board.
7. Meanwhile, melt choc, caster sugar and sour cream in a small bowl over pan of simmering water.
8. Stir well and leave for 15 mins.
9. Spread all over top of cake and then dust with cocoa.
10. Leave to set then cut into squares.

Its yummy but quite calorific - so make tiny squares and savour them - no don't eat two!!!!!!

The latest frocks hot from the sewing machine...
Thanks to Suz for all the lovely pillow cases. The little flowery sheet came from one of Annie's customers.
And lastly - just in case we needed a little more to keep us going. One of my friends who has a brill fabric warehouse Woodside Fabrics kindly sent us this huge parcel of poly cottons....

A big thank you to P & G - I am sure there will be lots of happy little girls once we get cracking on that lot!!!

OK - I am off to Wipso's to see if that nifty little skirt, that I made on Tuesday, fits the lovely
 little Dutch girl.
Have a thrilling Thursday all!!


  1. Just one slice for me please and I will make you a coffee to go with it :-) See you soon.
    A x

  2. Hi there Twiglet love the little dresses there and was just reading your profile and realising you were over the welsh boarder, so much loveliness to see there am sure.
    I am trying not to look at the rest of the yummi-ness on your post as I have a winter bulge I NEED to get rid of sadly! am trying hard. Been over to Tilly's blog and do love her little stash of buttons sooo gorgeous made me very green and loved her layout as you said, Happy WOYWW, Shaz in oz.x

  3. Thanks Jo!! Sounds totally yummy and one I'll be trying out for sure. Glad you mentioned about halving the topping - can I have two slices then if I do that? :) Super little dresses, as always. Di xx

  4. Hi Jo. Thank you for visiting me. What terrific blog you have. Being a country crafter at heart I have really enjoyed looking at your wonderful creations. I am originally from Shropshire so it has been great to see your fab photos.
    Regards Florence x

  5. Love the recipe, thanks for sharing. Loving the dresses too, they make me want to get my sewing machine out soon x

  6. Love the tones of your new dresses ...sort of go with your Moccachino slice lol ...which sounds scrummy ....might do this for a crop snack.

  7. the recipe looks great, I am going to try it, and I love the dresses.

  8. I so love to come and see what you girls are up to....but, man is it tiring...... always sooooo busy.... now, I need a nap...oh, just a's bedtime anyway..... g'night......

  9. Your welcome Jo...went we get sorted a bit l'll try to sort some more for you both
    Hugs xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.