Sunday 4 September 2011

This is M's latest little pic which she has finished and framed, ready for her Etsy shop.
She used some vintage linen as a background and collaged little snippets of fabric,
 free machined in place, to embellish these little Baboushkas.
I think the pale ash coloured frame sets it of nicely and wouldn't it look good on a nursery wall??
The frame is 340 x 190 cms.

My latest creations were made using the duvet, bought for 50p at the car boot sale.
I rarely make 2 the same but today I just had enough of the right bits to do so.
I also made one for an older girl as I am sure there is a need for all sizes.
I love the cheery look to the fabric and it is lovely and soft to work on - yet strong and hopefully hard wearing.

The next 3 little frocks were made using pillowcases donated by our lovely blog friends.

And lastly the middle one with little collage of a house on the pocket was made with a pillow case M had rejected. I really like this little frock.
The other 2 were made with the duvet fabric that I had dyed flamingo pink. I have used lots of this fabric to trim other dresses.


  1. thats such a beautiful art peice and i just love the little dresses,, now thats a creative idea,, they are adorable!

  2. Love M's new picture, so many dresses, you sleeping at all? Ha! See you soon xx

  3. Dresses looking great Jo....I just wish I had the spare time to make some but needs must :-)
    Another fab pic by M. Hope they are selling well.
    A x

  4. I really like the Russian dolls. i think they are really well balanced in the frame.

  5. Really pretty dresses. Do you have Elfs helping you out!!!!! Still only on dress 4 & 5. Hugs Mrs A.

  6. Hi Jo! I was sure I'd commented here - a few of my comments have gone walkies this past few days :(

    You mentioned Moccachino slices on my blog - so what gives? Gonna give us all the recipe? Please ! Di xx

  7. Matrioshki dolls..... although, they may be wearing baboushka.... very sweet...... love all the new little dresses.....


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.