Thursday 22 September 2011

Update from Annie

Annie has asked me to update you - just so you know.
She spent yesterday with M and the twins - originally to help with feeding/changing etc.

Luckily (and, as often happens to Annie) she was in the right place at the right time.
M has had more problems and thankfully Annie was there to spot the signs and get help.
So, you can imagine the day they all had yesterday.
She will be back there with M & B this morning and I know, she will appreciate the thought, that all her lovely blogging friends are sending M positive vibes for a speedy recovery.

I will update with any news later today.
Thanks lots - you are a brilliant bunch. x x Jo


  1. Lots of love and vibes for a speedy recovery for M. Do please keep us posted Jo. Hugs, Di xx

  2. Keeping everything crossed that she is ok. Kezzy x

  3. praying for them. Are they at the Shrewsbury one?

  4. Aww Jo, that’s such rotten news after all the joy and celebrations of yesterday.

    Sending ‘M’ positive thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and strength to the rest of you.


  5. Thanks for keeping us in touch Jo. Wishing M a speedy recovery and hope she'll soon be home with her lovely babes.
    Jo x

  6. Praying for quick return to good health and what a blessing Annie was there at the right time to help, love Shaz in oz.x

  7. Sending positive healing vibes for M and thinking of all of you xx

  8. Oh goodness I@m reading backwards so I don't know what's happening. oping all going well tho.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.