Wednesday 21 September 2011

WOYWW - more photos!!!

Good morning to all our lovely blogging friends!
Aunty Jo is not at her desk today - she has been too busy keeping an eye on us and our mummy and helping nanny Annie.
She did make a quick card for us yesterday when she knew we had arrived safely.
Then she brought nannie Annie into the hospital for  a cuddle and a hug or two.
She says she hates photos of herself but Aunty Jo thinks this one is too lovely to be hidden from view.
So here is proud nanny Annie giving us our first cuddle - don't we all look just lovely!!

Things will be back to normal by next Wednesday - or will they?!!!!!

Oh and if you want to see some nice crafty items go and see what auntie M has been making over here.......Tilly Tea Dance


  1. ahhhhhh so adorable and one of each thats fantastic, all the best to best to Mum and Dad.
    Chris x

  2. Oh wow - adorable! Lovely photo of Annie too. And the card you made is super cute Jo. Happy WOYWW - one of the happiest I think :)) Hugs all round, Di xx

  3. They are adorable ...and the card could not have been more perfect. I can understand the 'photo' thingy ...I hate mine being taken... but that really is a beautiful shot.xx

  4. Aww Jo, what beautiful photos and how lovely to actually ‘see’ Annie and put a face to a blogging friend.
    Give the little ones a hun from me the next time you see them.

    Beautiful card by the way!

  5. Oh I would much rather play with the twins that at my crafting desk!

  6. That's a great pic of Nanny and the babes - really lovely times for all your family! :D Hugs, LLJ xxxx

  7. The twins are absolutely gorgeous:) Lovely to see them along with nannie Annie. Great card too!

  8. Gorgeous photos especially of Annie with her little treasures. Hugs and best wishes to all the family. Mrs A.

  9. Gorgeous little pair! Thanks for sharing, have a great WOYWW!

    xoxo Marjo #36

  10. Gorgeous babies! What a beautiful card too. Congrats!!

  11. Congrats, Aunty! What gorgeous little babies they are, with their proud Nanny.

  12. oh what a precious pic, I have a similar one of my mum holding my twins, it is a treasure!
    congrats on the new niece and nephew!
    happy WOYWW, Debxx

  13. Congrats to you all. Holding two looks complicated, but I'm sure you will all become very skilled at it before the week is out. xxx

  14. Congrats to you all. Lovely card too.

    Jumbleberries xx

  15. gee whizz I cried at the other one, but this has me gushing

    JUST wonderful,

    happy happy times,


  16. Brilliant. It is lovely to see Annie for once! Those Twinies are just beautiful! xxx

  17. Oh, they are absolutely the most precious! They look so safe in Annie's arms. Not a care in the world. Beautiful!

  18. Awwww! It is about time :) !!!! I am so glad that they are doing well! Have a fabulous week and enjoy those babies! -Amanda

  19. Ahhh their gorgeous and a fantastic pic of a proud nanny. Kezzy x

  20. Oops meant to say I really love the card. Kezzy x

  21. Such a lovely post! Love the photos and the card is really amazing, made with love!
    Lots of hugs,

  22. Aw, what a very cute pickie of a gorgeous twosome who will be much loved - congrats to all and a great blessing from above indeed! Great card too - love it! Shaz in oz.x

  23. Lovely babies, lovely photos and lovely card. Sorry to read of what has happened to M and here's hoping that she has a speedy recovery so she can get home with those adorable babies. Elizabeth xx

  24. Life is so amazing and precious isn't it Jo? Ooh, Gt Aunty Jo!! Lol. Glad to hear M is doing better again, I just left a message for Annie too.

    Brenda 88

  25. What a lovely photo of nannie and the grandies! Makes my eyes water, (I am not crying, my eyes are just leaking, like my grandie will say)
    Hope all is back to normal soon and mom and children can be together. Give Annie big hugs from me (South Africa is a bit far to do it myself!), but I did send an Angel to look after all of them.
    Lovely card you made for the babies.
    Happy WOYWW

  26. Beautiful photy of Nannie Annie (love the alliteration) and babes. :)


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.