Thursday 22 September 2011

So far , so good

Just to add my thanks to Annie's for all your prayers and good wishes.
What should have been a most joyful time has turned into a nightmare for all the family.

Luckily M was in the right place for the care she needed and the hospital staff have been very supportive. Hopefully she is on the mend but needing lots of close monitoring and care just yet.

On the positive side - the little twins are just fine and so well behaved - feeding and sleeping and getting lots of love and hugs from the super staff and nannies and great aunties.

Let's hope the news tomorrow is even better.
Sleep and peace and quiet will work wonders I am sure so maybe by then things will look a lot brighter.

I am just so glad that I am here to support my little sis and I have to say your lovely messages will have boosted her and cheered her no end so thanks again.
x Jo


  1. How well you know me Jo. You really are a treasure.
    Love and hugs,
    A x

  2. Pleased things are going in the right direction and still thinking positive loving thoughts,
    thanks for the latest news,
    Jo x

  3. I will keep M in my thoughts and prayers ....and the rest of you too....Hugs xx

  4. Sending lots of loving thoughts for M's continued improvement.
    Carol xx

  5. Prayers and Well Wishes for all of you. Rest helps a lot of things. Those little ones are adorable.
    Best Wishes

  6. oh Jo how awful only just seen this has happened
    Love to you all and hope M keeps making progress..huge huge hugs to you all xx

  7. Hi Jo.
    If this wasn't so worrying there's a little smile. Yesterday my blog was like a springboard - via Feedjit I could see someone land, read the latest short posting about M and then bounce straight off to links to Annie's blog. You could almost hear the worried little 'boings' of Bloggers bouncing straight out - bit like little frogs hopping from lily pad to lily pad :)
    Hope you all had a bit of sleep last night and that M continues to improve. Love and hugs, Di xx

  8. This morning I opened the blog, and with great joy I saw the photo of these beautiful twins. I would like to wish you all much joy with them. Soon everything will be fine! Word of a professional nurse of the ward nursery. A big HAPPY. PS. I do not know how it will be translated, I help with google translator.

  9. Just to say thanks for positive vibes for Annie & co. They certainly need all they can get at the moment. x Jo

  10. As I've been away, I wasn't aware of all the events since the twins' birth. M sounds like a fighter and that's what you need, determination to pull through as well as the brilliant hospital care. After this is over, think Annie will need tlc big time. Sending prayers and hugs your way, sincerely, Jan xxxx

  11. Sending lots of love & virtual hugs to all.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.