Saturday 3 September 2011

Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch?

Just two pics to share....

Firstly, proof that I really did make Apple and Blackberry jam - well jelly really because I strained it so it doesn't have seeds in it.
(Although the recipe said I must NOT squeeze the bag - and I did because I was impatient and wanted to get it finished and in jars! Consequently it's cloudy and not clear, like a real jelly but what the heck - I am not entering it in a WI competition - it won't last long enough.)

I love the tiny jars and I know two little girls who will love to have their own little jar of jam to put on their morning toast.
I also know two big girls who have requested a jar, so I think I need to head off up the blackberry hill again.

And below......

One of M's mounted and framed lighthouse collages.
It's a sweet little picture worked on a piece of vintage cloth using tiny snippets of fabric and lace all free machined in place to add detail.
It is mounted on blue linen and then set in an ivory mount within a satin silver-look 8" frame.

If you click on the pics you can see the detail.
I think she would be happy to sell it if anyone is interested.
M. has lots of little pics for sale in her Etsy shop - Tilly Tea Dance so if you want to browse - click on the link and pop over.


  1. Hello Jo,

    Hmmm your blackberry and apple jelly looks and sounds superb! And Im sure the little fingers will love having a bit on their toast too!

    Loved the close up of M's collage, the detail is beautiful, I love the foamy sea! Wishing her good luck with her Etsy venture!

    Keryn x

  2. Hoping I'm one of the big girls to get a jar :-) Love the pic and will be posting about her shop when I've got a spare minute [you know the one....around midnight :-) ]
    A x

  3. Oh, I can almost taste the jam on warm toast - yummy! The picture is just fantastic - so talented is your daughter. I'm off to snoop round her Etsy shop! Di xx

  4. Home-made Jam sounds yummy....and i love that type of embroidery too.

  5. awwwwww, please please please pretty please can i have some of your jam? I love Jam, yummy!! xxx

  6. There's some windfall damsons in work if you fancy diverifying the jam range into damson and blackberry. Apparently it goes well with Vodka too...


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.