Sunday 25 September 2011

Sunday Update

Annie just rang me from home.
B and twins' other nanny are in charge today so that Annie can have a break and do all the things she needs to do - like sleep I hope! She said she had managed to sleep between feeds last night and sounded perky. She left B getting ready to bath his twins for the first time with help from maternity staff.

She called to see M before she left and found her bright and more like herself. She may stay where she is for at least another day but that sounds good doesn't it. Still lots of issues to sort out and keep an eye on, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that all goes smoothly.

Thanks again for all your good wishes and a big cyber hug to you all from Annie!
x Jo


  1. I'm so happy that things are going alot better, here's hoping they all will be home soon. Kezzy xx

  2. Such a relief that things are continuing to improve. Hope M is soon home with her new babes. Thanks for the news,
    Love Jo x

  3. How lovely to hear some encouraging news.
    My love and thoughts are with you all and I hope M continues to recover well and is soon home amongst her lovely family.
    Take care

  4. Hope all is well and Annie get her sleep too.

  5. Great to hear positive news and such a relief.. there's just been awes all round here as I showed everyone the gorgeous pic of Annie and the twins! :-D
    Wishing M the speediest of recoveries, sending lots of healing vibes and best wishes to everyone.
    Take special care too Jo.xxxx

  6. Bet its such a relief for all of you that things are looking brighter with each day .
    Hugs too all x

  7. So glad things are on the up ... bless B and bathtime ...hope it went well....and Annie gets some proper rest. I know you will all have to keep an eye on M and give her help for some time but it sounds as though she will be fine now. Huge Hugs for them all xx

  8. Can you see my smile - it should be shining all the way from Hampshire to your door Jo. So much better news. Seems it will still take time but it's a brighter light now at the end of the tunnel :)) Love and hugs, Di xx

  9. Been chucked off the network for 2days for high usage(one phone call to say did they know who I was!!! got me reinstated). Anyway good to hear that M. is slowly inproving and that Annie is coping so well with the twins. Hugs Mrs A.

  10. Hugs all round and real pleased to hear M is well on the way to full rcovery
    Poor Annie bet she slept all day yesterday hehe
    Lots of Love to all xx

  11. Relief - very glad to hear that M is more like herself. Hugs and snoozes all round.

  12. That's good news all around - hope the recovery continues smoothly. Phew....
    Hugs and positive thoughts to you all, LLJ xx

  13. So happy to read positive news. Poor Annie must be exhausted. Thinking of you all xx

  14. So pleased to read that things are improving and that Annie can get a wee rest - very very important that the Carers are cared for too or the whole shebang goes bump!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.