Saturday 24 September 2011

Saturday Update

Thankfully everything seems to be settling down nicely.
Annie is coping well with the babies who are being very well behaved. Feeding and sleeping well and are just gorgeous.
Daddy B took them over to see their mummy this afternoon. A few tears I guess, but that's normal  and to be expected isn't it. M will have loved to see them and have an hour or two of cuddles with them both.
M is likely to be in ITU for a while longer so she is having to be very patient and get plenty of rest.

I feel pretty helpless. I can't even cook a meal for Annie's hubby as he is coming and going to and from hospital. Luckily there is a good chippy nearby and he is very handy in the kitchen anyway.

I have been knitting away - just to keep me from chewing my finger nails!!!!
Baby L is so tiny I thought she might need another cute little cardi.
Baby S will fit most of the lovely things Annie knitted for him so no probs there.

Annie hasn't seen all your lovely comments as she has no access to the computer and hasn't had much time for blogging!!! I have told her how much care and support you have all shown and she really appreciates it. Thanks so much.

I think we still have along way to go but each day M seems a little better.
Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for M so that they can all get home and enjoy being a little family at last.

x Jo


  1. You are doing such a wonderful job of keeping us all updated thank you. So glad M seems to be getting a little better & the babies seem to be doing well. Keeping you all in our thoughts xxx

  2. Thank you so much Jo for keeping us updated when so much else is going on. Still sending good vibes and love and hugs! Di xxx

  3. Good to hear of further improvement and that Annie is coping well. Thanks for the updates ... and knitting is great therapy in times of stress. Elizabeth x

  4. I like this update!!!
    I'll be thinking of you ALL!!!!!

  5. Sending my continued love and prayers to everyone.Xxxx

  6. So glad that an update with good news appeared ...I know its a long journey to recovery but M is so lucky to have a mum like Annie and you and the rest of the family as suporters. I think Annie will need a holiday when everything is resolved as I think this will have taken more out of her than she realises. Give her and everyone a warm hugs ...they are all in my thoughts Angie xx

  7. Found your blog via Suz. Sending love for the beautiful babies and mom for a speedy recovery.
    xo Susan

  8. Morning're doing a marvellous job, what would we all do with out an update every morning...chewing our finger nails too l expect lol

    So pleased to hear M is getting better by the day she is in my thoughts all the time...sending even more Love and Hugs to everyone
    A special hug for Annie and it's good the hear the twins are being good for Nana hugs to all xxxxxxx

  9. So glad things are looking better, sending my love to all.
    Kate xx

  10. So pleased to hear M is doing so much better and the twin babies are doing well too.

    My thoughts and prayers are with them and for all the family.


  11. Jo ,
    Thats so good to hear that M is doing much better.The twins are doing well too.Please send them all are love big (((hugs)),We are thinking of you all praying that normality and happy heathly family resumes soon.please pass on our good wishes thanks for keeping us updated as we do worry...
    love n hugs Judexx

  12. They will definately be the best dressed twins in Shropshire (or wherever if I have the area wrong!)
    Your knitting is so good & so fast. Please send Annie my very best love.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.