Friday 23 September 2011

Friday morning update

Just a quick update for all you lovely friends who are being such a great support.
Annie managed to sleep last night and  is with M this morning.

M. had a better night and is sleeping now.

I guess the docs will do their rounds soon and Annie may know more then.

Twins OK. Annie gave them their bedtime feed last night and tucked them up before coming home.
They are absolutely gorgeous and all checks by doc yesterday were fine.
Let's hope M is well enough to see them today.

Lastly, a big, big thank you to you all your love, concern and prayers.
You have helped us all so much in keeping our spirits up.

Will update if I find out more. x Jo


  1. Thanks Jo.

    Please pass on my continued best wishes - your news is encouraging. x

  2. Just heard the news. Will be keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. Please pass on my Best Wishes, love to everyone. Gez.xxxx

  3. Thanks for keeping us updated Jo. Positive vibes still being sent - glad Annie managed to sleep last night, sheer exhaustion I expect. Sleep and rest will help M no doubt - the twinnies sound wonderful. I'll link your post into today's posting on my blog. Love and hugs, Di xx

  4. Great to hear there has been improvement. The Angel I sent accross the ocean will stay to look after you for as long as you need her.

  5. Thanks for letting us know, we will keep thinking of you all xxx

  6. Glad the news is better Jo and I hope M continues to improve and poor Annie can get some sleep! What an emotional time for you all!


  7. Thinking of you all and sending best wishes. Hope everyone is home soon. x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.