Friday 23 September 2011

Latest news

Just had chat on phone to Annie.
She is in a family room at the hospital and caring for the twins.
It took  a very irate nannie Annie to get things sorted but now she is getting the treatment she deserves!
They took the twins over to intensive care so M could see them this afternoon.
M is slowly improving and they are gradually reducing medication.

So - apart from a sleepless night for Annie - things are looking up.

She is convinced that all the prayers, thoughts and good wishes have made a difference - we both believe in the power of positive thinking. So thank  you everyone for being such a wonderful bunch. We can't thank you enough.

x Jo


  1. Brilliant Jo - thanks so much for keeping us up to date. I bet Annie shook a few trees :) Great that M has seen the babies and hoping it isn't long before she's out of ICU. Love and hugs, Di xx

  2. Great news that things are getting better xx

  3. Thanks for the update, Jo, so glad to hear M is improving and that Annie is there to look after those babies. Fingers still crossed until M is out of IC and back home with her family. Hugs to all, Elizabeth x

  4. Wonderful news. Our prayers are now that M's recovery continues as fast as possible and she can get home with her lovely babies.

  5. Lovely to hear the updates and glad that all are doing well and M is improving, Juliexx

  6. Thank you for the updating ...well done Annie for standing her ground and demanding rights for the twins and M ...I give up ...I thought it was a caring profession ...those ltttle mites are only a few days old ,prem and Lexi is under 5lbs ...they should be as close to their sick Mum as possible.xx ...I'll get off the soap box now lol

  7. Thank you God! This is such great news!

  8. So glad to hear that M is getting better and that Nannie Annie is keeping them at the hospital so they are close to their Momma!

  9. Such good news & well done to Nannie Annie for fighting too! Sending positive thoughts xx

  10. That’s wonderful news Jo, little steps forward on the road to recovery are better than none. I’m sure that seeing the two little ones has given her a boost too so fingers crossed she’ll soon be out of ICU and then back home with her family around her.

    Love to all and please make sure Annie takes care of herself too, the last thing you need is her dropping from exhaustion.

  11. So glad to see your update, Jo, and lovely to see the family rallying round in a time of need. The twinnies chose their family well. Sending you all lots of positive thoughts, Bx

  12. Thanks for the update Jo. Well done to Annie for getting some action to get things moving and she in turn will feel better being able to do something to help.
    love as ever Jo x

  13. Wonderful news Jo..send my love to Annie and if she is still there on Monday l'll pop over for a few minutes if that is ok?
    So relieved M is on the mend and that Annie is the strong character she is
    Love and hugs to all xx

  14. My word, it's all so traumatic..poor M. Am holding her and the Annie and the twinnies in my htoughts..and poor Daddy B too, it's a time of feeling a bit helpless for him.

  15. Thank goodness things are slowly improving. Kezzy x

  16. Good news indeed. Well done Nanny Annie but it shouldn't be down to having a family to fight your corner for you, first class treatment and care should be there for every single patient, sad that it isn't.
    Carol xx

  17. Glad things are looking a little more brighter
    hope things continue to improve well
    fondest love for all x

  18. I've just returned from Cardiff to find all this - blimey, what a dreadful worrying time for you all. M sounds like a fighter, you need determination as well as the brilliant hospital care - day by day, she'll pull through. Sending hugs and prayers, sincerely, Jan xx

  19. Ive missed something along the way...but am thinking of you all and prayers are with you x


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