Friday 2 September 2011

A little bit of kindness goes a long way...

I know if you follow Wipso's blog you will already have seen this pic.
We had 49 dresses ready to go to Louise of Sew Scrumptious who is collecting them for the "Dress a girl around the world"  scheme.
We spread them round Annie's workroom for one last look before we parcelled them up.

I have to say we are always a bit overwhelmed when we do this. Not just because of the effort it has taken to make them, but really because of the generosity of the lovely folk who have sent us fabric and made it all possible.

To me it seems a bit like the story of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes (sermon on the mount).
From just a tiny bit of kindness ie the odd pillowcase or small piece of fabric given to us, has come such a wonderful array of little dresses which will be going to girls in Africa who have virtually nothing.

It has cost us nothing except the use of our God given skills and yet when you look at 50 little dresses all together it seems such a lot.

Well enough of my deep thoughts for a Friday morning!!
Here are my latest offerings.

I am quickly losing track of who sent all the fabric but I know Di sent that lovely pink flowery stuff and the pink on the right  was sent  by Elizabeth over at The Silver Scrapper's Craft Space. The gorgeous, flowery, burgundy fabric came from Tammy over at Turquoise Ocean blog.

The very pregnant M gave us lots of pillow cases and I trimmed this one with some really pretty fabric - just one of the many bits and bobs sent to us.
So a big thank you for your donations - I think we have made over 130 now!!!

Just to say - I do spend my time doing other things!!!
I picked blackberries this week and made 5 jars of apple and blackberry jam - and it tastes yummy - I had it on toast for breakfast.
Of course, I also nipped down to cut curtains with Wipso - I might be giving her a helping hand with her twin grandchildren when they arrive - can you tell we are all excited at the thought! Best of luck to M - lets hope it all goes like clockwork and we soon have our new babes safe and sound.
(See Wipso's blog for updates.)


  1. Awwww its all so very exciting Jo! I bet you cant wait for a little cuddle or three!

    Your photos of the dresses are amazing, it makes me quite choked to think of everyone involved in the whole process and especially you two for dedicating so much time and love on the dresses! You are a couple of stars!

    Keryn x

  2. Hehehe I think my excitement is spreading :-)
    Fab dresses Jo. Keep up the good work....I'm too busy Tumbling at the mo to dress make but will get back to it as and when I can :-)
    A x

  3. What can I say - you two are amazing! So many little girls are going to be delighted by all your hard work. Talking of work, nowt's getting done here, I keep nipping to the laptop to check if there's any news of the twins! Hugs, Di xx

  4. I swear that you two are keeping this project going single headedly!
    OK, maybe not but you are certainly attempting to by the looks of things, Lol.

    I know how much something as small as that can mean to a child who has nothing from the reactions we get to our cushions for the Kids Company project that I stitch for so well done the two of you!

    Have a good weekend.


  5. Sorry, I meant to say there's a little something for you on my blog!


  6. You two are AMAZING!! Thanks so much. Such gorgeous dresses x

  7. WOW!! you two have done a great job.... and it really has all come together as you say... it's a wonderful thing.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.