Wednesday 31 August 2011


Good morning Wednesday Workdesk Watchers!!

Now, do I show you the before or after.?
My sewing room is a tip.
I have been busy making little dresses and crafting with M.
The result is one very untidy workspace.
Oh go on then here it is .......

Now-  I will tackle the boxes and bags that are lying around the place and have it all ship-shape by lunchtime.
And the outcome of all the mess?...

Lots of little frocks ready to post to Louise soon.
I hope the "Dress a girl around the world" scheme still has room for a few more as I have a feeling I will be receiving a rather large parcel of fabric soon!

M. made lots of little dumflings to put on the front of her little wedding cards and finished off some fab bunting and her Baboushka picture. They will go in her Etsy shop later this week.

And the view from my window as the sun went down on Sunday evening.....

OK - just a quick post this morning - Wipso called and curtains need cutting!!
So, I will be down on my hands and knees at her feet this morning - she is called Wipso for a good reason.
I just have time to add my name to Mr Linky and leave a message for our great blog organiser Julia - I hope she is technically well set up this week!
Thanks to all who visited here and left lovely comments last week - see you later. x Jo


  1. I've got my whip in hand and the little black leather number where is my slave?......Oh I do wish I could wake up this morning :-)
    See you soon sis.
    A x

  2. You too have so much energy just dont know where you find the time.Love the piccy of the sun going down.Have fun curtain cutting.
    hugs judex 20

  3. I could look at these dresses all day - loving the frilled ones. Fabulous work still steaming ahead and ah...can't beat those hills.
    Thanks for the peek! Sarah (at 4)

  4. Love the dresses today. Good luck with the curtains... faster, faster!!

  5. Love the view! The desses this week are cute as ever! I love the ruffled hem on the middle set! Have fun with the curtains and thanks for letting us in for another WOYWW! -Amanda

  6. Whip so!! Love it! The frocks continue to be wonderful Twiggers, and I love the idea that you think your room is a it only took about 10 minutes of tidying. What a view. Splendid.

  7. It's not a mess, it's a busy, creative result of hard crafting - at least that's what I say to my DH *grin* Wouldn't work if I had that view though, staring out the window would be my main activity! Hugs, LLJ xx

  8. I say it week in week out - you are doing such a fabulous thing making those dresses and I take my hat off to you. Who knows we might see a photograph of a little girl out in Africa some time wearing a Wipso/Twiglet creation.
    Thanks for sharing your good works (and love photo of the sunset) Hugs, Neet #5

  9. You have beautiful scenery..Run, Run, Run as fast as you can. The curtains are waiting...always sounds like you have fun in the process. Again lovely dresses, enjoy upcoming September. Happy WOYWW

  10. So funny J! I have visions of you grovelling on the floor whilst A cracks the whip! Thanks for making me laugh! Di xx

  11. You have such a STuNNiNG view from your window :) And nothing wrong with a messy workspace when you're this productive!! Great dresses :)

  12. M’s dunflings are going to look great on the wedding cards Jo and I love all that beautiful lace in the napkins, if that’s what they are.

    I think that you and Annie are dressing the little African girls all by yourselves by the looks of things……well done both of you. Keep up the good work.

    Have a good week and…………
    Happy Sewing!


  13. My but you are cranking out those little dresses! They look lovely and your space does not look messy enough for everything that you have done. Have fun making curtains.
    Happy WOYWW!

  14. Wow! What a fabulous view. I just had a peek in M's Etsy shop and I love the beach hut picture and the button heart cushion xx

  15. I hope the Dress a Girl thing goes on and on.... because I do want to make some...but, don't want to begin til the golf season is over...seeing as there is only 3 weeks left to play outside around here really. .. then, I will be inside all winter...there will be many hours to use sewing and crafting....

    My friend Maggi is coming to visit and play with some fabric next week....and we are going to try our first dress then.... yours are all so cute .... hope I can do one okay... and then... go on from there.. Surely they must always be willing to accept dresses? .... I sure hope so.

  16. Aww how cute are the dinky frocks! Happy WOYWW hugs Rebekah (95) xx

  17. Not so much a tip as a very worthwhile result from sewing all those lovely little dresses. There'll be some happy little girls out there soon.
    Beautiful view from your window and such a perfect light.
    Off to Germany tomorrow morning and sooo excited!
    JoZarty x

  18. You have been working hard so your room needs to be x

  19. Hi hun
    aww your dresses look gorgeous, your view is stunning i wouldnt get any work done, luv the lighting, beautiful piccie, thanks for the mooch happy WOYWW, sue,x

  20. Now that's one lovely view - awesome! Your dresses are just darling, honestly! You've done a wonderful job. Thanks for the peek!

  21. Dosen't get much better than that does it! Gorgeous view. Hugs Mrs A. #102

  22. Lots of gorgeous little dresses - they're a joy to look at. And so it that view - to die for! Hope you enjoyed your day on your hands and knees for Annie. Elizabeth x #51

  23. By now, I bet the curtains are cut and fitted. I know you and your sis seem to have taken on an entire village to clothe. I'm always SO impressed with your work on those dresses. Have a super what's left of WOYWW.

  24. You and Wipso are so fabulous for making all these dresses for the African girls! They are sweet little dresses and best of all they will be so appreciated by these little girls. Well done the two of you!!!
    xoxo Karen


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.