Friday 9 September 2011

Little knitties!

Just before I send these little knitties off to the expectant mums, I thought I would post a picture.
(It helps me remember what I have made - size/colours etc.)

Don't they look lovely all together. I can't wait to see the little babes wearing them. Fingers crossed, it won't be long now. Just a few more weeks and Wipso will have 3 more gorgeous little grand children. The tiny cardies for the twins looks so small don't they. I love the little shrugs and so do the girls. 

This week I have been knitting for Annie's  2 oldest grand children P & L -
I have just had to make 2 bright red shrugs for them to wear to a wedding. 
And now I  am making their fab bright pink hoodies which I will blog when they are finished.

Right - that's it for now - I am off to bake my bread buns - nearly a disaster there as I used plain flour instead of strong white flour. Luckily they were only half white and half brown flour so, with a little bit of tweaking, I think they will be fine.
Have a great weekend all!!


  1. Think my grandchildren are the best dressed babies around. Thanks so much Jo. They are just perfect. Where would I be without you? Life just wouldn't be the same.
    Huge hugs,
    A x

  2. These are lovely! You have brought back memories of all the knitting I did for my son when I was pregnant. He's four now and is asking me to start knitting for him again.
    The babies will look adorable in these.
    Hugs, Clare x

  3. Beautiful! Really sweet little clothes, and don't those pastel shades look lovely all together? Love to think of those babies being kept warm in such little gems, and the joy the hand-knits will give the adults!

  4. So much knitting Jo, those new babies are going to the best dressed babies around! Looks like they are going to be snug as a bug during the winter too!

    You were asking about the embossing plates. I understand they can be used in the cuttle bug but they are not like the embossing folders where you put the paper between the two bits. With these ones you need a rubber mat so that au you roll it through the rubber pushes the paper into the dips in the plate. It’s a bit hard to wind through too so to be honest I preferred to use them with an embossing tool and do it manually.

    By the way, I picked up a Pink floral duvet in a charity shop this morning that I thought might be ok for the little dresses. Can you please let me have either yours or Annie’s address to send it to.
    You can email me here .


  5. They are so amazing Jo and im lovely the colours too x

  6. Absolutely fabulous Jo - as others say, your family has to be the best dressed around :) Clever girl! Di xx

  7. Oh how gorgeous, and isn't marvellous that baby clothes don't really change much..all of those styles really bring back memories for me.

  8. These are gorgeous, I love the satisfaction of knitting baby clothes. I just wish there were more hours in each day!

  9. How absolutely amazing you are! they're wonderful! I love the colors and they are soooo cute!

  10. They're really cute - I love the colours.

  11. Wow...yet again!! You are soooo busy over there with your talented hands..... such cute little knitted things.... and of course, the little dresses are great........ amazing......

  12. Good grief Twiglet! Do you knit one a night???!!!
    They are beautiful


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.