Monday 29 August 2011

Latest range!

Just a quick post to add the latest frocks to our range!!

The two little pink dresses and the lilac one in the middle on the picture below were made using some of the lovely pieces  Sue from ScoopyStuff blog.  sent us.
The dark floral ones are made from material that a customer of Wipso's brought for us.
The lilac dresses on the left and right are made with  fabric sent by that the lady who follows Wipso's blog but as yet doesn't have her own blog. Thanks's made a really pretty dress.

Thanks to everyone for their kind donations. We will keep sewing - I think we have made over 120 dresses now!!


  1. Those look gorgeous Jo. Well done you.
    A x

  2. Toot, toot - so cute! Well done Jo and Annie! Di xx

  3. Well what a busy weekend youve had Jo!

    Another gorgeous array of little summer dresses!

    Keryn x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.