Thursday 25 August 2011

Anything will do!!!!!

I received a lovely little parcel today from one of my best Yorkshire buddies!
She sent me a holiday pareo ( fabric length you wrap round your bikini as a cover up).
It was beautifully soft fabric in hot vibrant colours - just perfect for a couple of little frocks.
She also sent some light curtain fabric- in muted blues/beige/pinks.

I just had to get going straight away.
I added some of the duvet fabric that I had dyed flamingo pink - for pockets and bias binding. It is perfect for those jobs as it is nice and soft. It just takes a while to cut yards of 2" bias strips - but what else would I do on a showery afternoon!!!

So here you are J. Many thanks for your parcel. I am sure you will have made 5 little girls very happy, somewhere in the world.

So - as my title says.... anything will do.
To date we have recycled...
  • pillow cases
  • curtains
  • skirts
  • laundry bags
  • shirts
  • sheets
  • duvets
  • fabric oddments
What else can you challenge us with?
We are happy to transform anything suitable into a little frock for the "Dress a girl around the world" scheme.
(Check out Louise's blog - Sew Scrumptious - if you want to know more)


  1. Those look really fab Jo. I'm sure J will be thrilled to know how quickly you have transformed it all.
    A x

  2. When I read you ‘Anything will do’ title I read it as ‘Any dream will do’. Pretty apt really as it is a song from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat and the little dress you’ve made is exactly that.

    You girls are doing an amazing job…..well done!

    Can’t stop singing the flipping song now.

  3. Wow! I will have to have a look and see if I can find anything... this is amazing. All the dresses you have made will make some little girls some where very happy. Lynne x

  4. Hi, because it's way past WOYWW I thought I'd follow up on your more recent posts and so glad I did. I'd never heard of a pareo ... it's years, decades, nay, eons since I wore a bikini! The brightly patterned fabric is perfect for the little dresses ... children usually love bright colours. Elizabeth x #60

  5. Wow Jo you really can transform any piece of material into a gorgeous little dress! You two are amazing!

    Well done on your lovely blog award also!

    Keryn x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.