Wednesday 20 July 2011


Good morning all!!
A tidy work table for you to check out today.

At the top is my latest little pillow case dress (See last week's blog for details). It will be joining several others once Wipso has found the time in her busy schedule to make the TEN that she has cut out ready to sew.
In the front of my photo you can see a pretty laundry bag sent to me by Kate of Noseycritters blogspot. She hoped I might be able to use it for another little dress. I will do my best, so look out for an update later in the week. I love the little tag she sent with it - I shall be saving that one - thanks Kate!
On the left is a remnant of the fabric I used to help a friend make Roman blinds last week. There was only a small piece left so I suggested I use it for a collage to go on the wall between the two blinds. Now I will have to get thinking and come up with a design for it. Will blog it when its finished.

Short and sweet this week. Have a great week all of you. Thanks lots for all your comments. I will be round to visit your desks later. OK - lets see what Julia's Stamping Ground looks like today....


  1. I'm really loving and impressed with what you are doing for this project and with your sis's help, you may be making the most of anyone. Have a great WOYWW

  2. I thnk those dresses out of pillow cases is such a fab idea and good cause!Cant wait to see the collage you come up with for the wall.
    Have fab wedensday and creative week
    hugs judex 8

  3. That bag will make the most perfect dress Jo. How pretty.
    A x

  4. Hi definitely a great idea let me know when..loving the little dresses so cute
    Hugs x

  5. Such good deeds, you put us all to shame. Love the little laundry bag, so cute!!

  6. The collage is a great idea - looking forward to seeing it.
    Helen S

  7. love the little horse detail. You have been busy this week.
    caroline #50

  8. Those dresses you make from pillow cases are most impressive. love the latest one, Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet x #3

  9. I just love pillow case dresses - spend hours just perusing all the tutorials on line to take in the wonderful sister just had a boy so will have to kit out a doll! These are fab...sigh the sew love bug has struck!

  10. You have been busy more fabulous projects. It's always a pleasure seeing your makes. thank you for sharing
    Kathleen x

  11. Aww too cute just love these! Happy WOYWW Hugs Rebekah #60 xx

  12. Hi hun
    aww what a clever idea to make a frock out of a pillow case, gorgeous makes, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  13. What a fab idea to make the little dresses from pillow cases Jo, especially as you can get so many pretty ones these days.

    Happy Crafting!

  14. Those pillow case dresses are coming out so cute! Love them! Glad that you are able to make them for a good cause! Good luck with the collage...cant wait to see it when it is done!- Amanda #45

  15. Cant wait to see the collage ...another work of art I am sure xx

  16. Always lots of lovely makings on there and I hope I can also make some of the little dresses soon. Thanks for sharing,
    Love joZarty x

  17. Well done with the making of the dresses - they ate so cute .
    Thanks for sharing
    Anne xxx

  18. Like the work you have done with these pillowcases. Well done!

  19. oh soo many projects on the go....all lovely and interesting!

  20. Glad it's got there safely and the latest dress looks great.

    ** Kate **


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.