Thursday 21 July 2011

Take 2 laundry bags!

Update from yesterday's post.......
You remember - Kate gave me a pretty laundry bag to upcycle to make a little dress, as part of the Dressing a girl around the world scheme, that Wipso and I have decided to support.
Well Kate - what do you think? Will it do?
I un-picked the bag and re-cut the fabric, adding a little bit of pretty floral print at the hem and for the binding and straps. Then I cut out the little horse from the rest of the bag and appliqued it to the front of the dress - cute isn't it?!

Of course, then I got to thinking that, somewhere in the depths of M's wardrobe, there was one of her laundry bags - she obviously doesn't need it (lol - why is it in her wardrobe here and not her wardrobe in her own home, I ask myself.)
So after rummaging round I found it, washed it, un-picked it and, as before added a few bits and bobs and here it is as good as new.

Now I need to add it to Wipso's TEN that she has been busy with this week and T's beautiful little first attempt that she made with us on Monday. All together we should have at least 15 to post to Sew Scrumptious who has been collecting these dresses for girls in Africa.
Of course if anyone else has a laundry bag that looks as if it is good enough to make one of these pretty little frocks do let me know!!!


  1. Hehehe the ten are now finished and I now have much more fabric to work with thanks to donations from my customers :-)
    Yours look really pretty Jo. I bet you're really thrilled with them.
    A x

  2. They are both really lovely (the pink one is nicest, of course ;)

    ** Kate **

  3. These are wonderful! They are going to make two little girls very happy.
    Clare x

  4. These are wonderful! They are going to make two little girls very happy.
    Clare x

  5. So very cute - and made with love! I take my hat off to you - as I say, I can always iron them :) Di x

  6. These are so lovely Jo, well done to you all. xxx

  7. Wow! What gorgeous dresses. Thanks so much for getting involved and making so many lovely dresses. I really appreciate it! I will email you both tomorrow with more details. Thanks again. Louise x

  8. WOW , you and Wipso are brilliant !!! All those beautiful little dresses ---
    Anne xxx

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your header with the beautiful rainbow. These two little dresses are so cute. I know a little girl who would love the one with the pony for sure!

  10. these are so cute ......just going to check out sew scrumptuous..isn't networking brilliant .....thanks for visiting my blog ..and thanks to artsee for connecting us ...x

  11. my fav is the little pink one i think.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.