Monday 18 July 2011

Fun day Monday.

What a fab fun day Monday!!
Wipso and I cut curtains this morning ready for her to sew tomorrow.
Then we had delicious, home baked bread buns for lunch before T arrived for our crafting afternoon.
We made more pillow case dresses.
(See blog below)
Above is my latest.
Wipso - not satisfied with one pillowcase, came armed with 2 duvets, which she had purchased at a charity shop. She then proceeded to make 3 out of the 10 we had cut out!!!
T and I plodded on with our little efforts.
As T is a relative newcomer to sewing, I helped her with each process - what a lot of skills she picked up too....
  • attaching bias bindings
  • making bias tie straps
  • making a pocket
  • putting in elastic
  • using the overlocker
I think we should be running workshops Wipso!!!! We could even throw in a course on making Roman blinds too! lol

Thanks for a fab day.
Will you have room to blog all your ten little frocks???


  1. You've beat me to it :-) Little dress looks fab Jo. Thanks for sharing yet another quality day. We make a great team.
    A x

  2. aww how cute is that and for a great cause too!

  3. Gorgeous dress. Good luck with your sewing for a fabulous cause xx

  4. Gorgeous dress! I'm having difficulty finding the 'destructions' for making these little dresses. It's such a great idea I'd like to at least try one - it would be nicely ironed though :)) Di xx

  5. Glad you had such a good time making these dresses - they're cute! Thank you again for the link to this, I shall be making some too - great cause :) xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.