Saturday 30 July 2011

SOS - Sort Out Saturday

This is what happens when you spend the week crafting and sewing without having a good tidy up as you go along!!!
M came over and we had a good time playing crafting and creating.
She made these gorgeous dumfed cards - seascapes, tiny moorland scenes and fab mini dumfs in silk/lace and yarns - beaded and buttoned. They are all mounted up on card and looking good.

I came back from Wipso's last night with my gorgeous velvet bag filled with scraps of tiny flower print fabric to use on my Montgomery collages. I must get down to making the last 4 in my 12 picture series.
My bag was in our blog shop Sisters Crafty Creations but I decided it was just what I needed for my little crafting or shopping trips.

We had a brilliant evening crafting while the men were at footie.
Best of all - we parcelled up 30 -yes I did say 30 little dresses to send to Sew Scrumptious for her "Dress a girl around the world scheme" that she is supporting.
We were like 2 school girls ooh-ing and ahh-ing over all the pretty little frocks.
Wipso made 21 - where does she find the time in her busy daily schedule???
So - they will be winging their way to Louise today, ready to go out to Kenya next month, I think.
Here are the last 3 of my dresses.


  1. Hmmm at least you haven't said we are thinking of making new items for the shop I see :-).....not sure I will find time for that too at the mo cos I have had two more parcels of gorgeous fabric to make little dresses with from our blogging friends this morning :-)
    A x

  2. Fabulous, fabulous dresses ♥ What STARS you both are..xx WELL DONE!

    Love your's such a shame to tidy all that gorgeous inspiration away!

    Hope you are well my dear please give Wipso a great big ((hug)) from me next time you see her. Lots of love to you both. Hugs, Gez.Xxx

  3. I'll second that..well done you two so many little dresses and so fast too
    Number 3 cushion today l hope..blues this time to go with the pots hehe
    Hugs xx

  4. Love piles of completed cards and finished 'things' so satisfying.
    Incredibly impressed with your dresses.

  5. Wow what a lot of lovely things you've made. The dresses are gorgeous, what a lovely cause.
    Well done both of you.
    twiggy x

  6. Thanks for the hydrangea info...acid soil so l read is what is needed
    Will look out for the produce you suggest...thanks xx

  7. Such beautiful little dresses. The girls will be so thrilled to own one of these. How lovely! I saw these dresses in a magazine recently but can't remember which one. To make 30 is incredible! Congratulations

    Carolyn xo

  8. Thank you for the THE most gorgeous parcel of dresses. I am completely overwhelmed at how many you both made and how gorgeous they are. Every single one is different. They are all beautiful! They will be off to Africa very soon. Thanks again. Best wishes
    Louise x (Have emailed you too)

  9. Wow Jo - these are absoloutely gorgeous. I wish I could make them too - they look relatively simple - but that would be to you two - it would be advanced work for me - I wish I could help in some way...

    Plus some gorgeous creativity been going on at yours - lovely that M takes after her talented mum and Aunt...

    with love and hugs

    Paula x x x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.