Wednesday 27 July 2011

WOYWW - Twiglet is good at sharing....

Hi folks - just a quick post today.
I have daughter M here for a few days and we are having a crafty/chill out session or two.
So we are sharing my work table.
M was busy yesterday making little dumflings with my embellishing machine.

Today she is making another doorway collage - this time its based on a door at Ludlow Castle and will be a wedding present for friends who get married there soon.
I will blog it later if it is finished in time.

I printed off her medieval door way on canvas. They look quite good and will be fine mounted on card I  think.

So we are sharing all our crafty bits and bobs - fabric/threads/beads etc.
It's great to have her company and we have a good chat and a giggle over all sorts of things.
It will do her good to absorb herself in craft work and I know she will go home refreshed.

When we were looking through photos for the collage we came across this one....

Now, I repeat........I am good at sharing .............but not that good!!!!!!!

Have a great day.
If you want to join in our blog hop then head on over to Julia's Stamping Ground where you will find lots more busy crafters willing to share there desks with you.


  1. aww isn't that lovely sharing is caring as they say

  2. I notice the photo isn't yours to share anyway :-)
    Have a great day both of you. I have my BIG girl coming to share some of my day with me too. :-)
    A x

  3. They will be great and although I'm biased - the castle is a divine place for a wedding! fab piccy and also loving the dresses below!!!
    thanks for the peek today! Sarah (Sasa at 1)

  4. LOL! Must be a his and hers! Great photo! Glad that you have gotten some craft time with your daughter! It is always fun to share craftiness! Thanks for sharing your workdesk!- Amanda #36

  5. Gorgeous work - love that dumfing it is so pretty. A wedding at Ludlow Castle sounds very grand - hope it goes well.

  6. What a pretty castle, bet that looks amazing in real life, Thanks for sharing

  7. Have a fun craft day. Love the little yellow dresses below.

    ** kate **

  8. Sounds like you’re having a wonderful time with your daughter Jo, it’s fun crafting with someone special!

    Loving the new doorway, it look great on canvas.

    Happy WOYWW

  9. What a great post.Love the doors will be great projects. I totally for got it is WOYWW. So will have a MESSY photo!!! Not caught up from the grandkids visit. SO very hot and humid here MOJO is resting I guess. Have fun and enjoy every minute of giggles and fun.

  10. Glad your able to have fun and craft with your daughter.More chatting than crafting i bet!
    I must just say i love the dresses in the below post they are beautiful.
    Have fab wednesday and a creative week ahead.
    hugs Judex 7

  11. Hoot, hoot! Snorted with laughter at the 'shared privvy' - kinda too cosy for my liking :)

    And how lovely to spend a day crafting with your daughter - look forward to seeing the end result. Ludlow Castle sounds terribly grand.

    Happy WOYWW!! Di xx

  12. Lovely pillow dresses, like the doorway pics. Have fun with your daughter

  13. Glad you are having a good time with your daughter..
    I remember my great grandparents having an outside loo exactly like that in North Wales, in the 60's
    Take care

  14. Looks like you're having loads of fun. Love the doors. :)

  15. Hi hun
    fab post lovely piccies, luv the medival doorway a beautiful gift,thanks for the mocch, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  16. Always something wonderful to see on your desk... TFS!
    Love JoZarty x

  17. Your creations are amazing ...and I think the canvas' are wonderful....cant wait to see her next doorway. I love those yellow dresses sunny.
    We used to share all our stash in this house but we only pool the basics now. I found that when I wanted something had already been used ...especially if it were

  18. Oooo can't wait to see the finished dumphed dooways - will have to pop back in a bit to see if they are up yet.
    Sam x

  19. Very nice share. Happy WOYWW!


  20. In the scout camp group my son was in that was called a Pilot/coPilot arrangement. They also had a Pilot/Bombadier that was cut back to back. I am like you I think I would have problems sharing like that! Love the dresses and canvas! Sorry I am so late getting around but haven't felt well this week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  21. How wonderful that your friend can be married in a castle. Although that might be something you take for granted, we don't have that luxury here in the States. That is going to be one awesome doorway collage. I;m sure it will be quite lovely on cardstock. And I'll let you keep that little photo. I wouldn't want to share, either.


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.