Wednesday 3 August 2011

WOYWW - dumflings!

Happy Wednesday everyone!
I hope you are all well and enjoying the summer weather.
It has been very pleasant here on the Welsh border over the last few days.
I have been busy beading up some of daughter M's little needle felted dumflings.
She made some tiny seascapes with yarn, wool and machine stitching. I have added a few beads etc to give a bit of detail to the foreground. I think they will be mounted on cards ready for when she opens her Etsy store!
I use the little "Hang about" as a bin for bits and pieces while I am working - very handy!
Checkout our Sisters Crafty Creations blog shop if you want one!

Any other spare time has been taken up with dresses for the "Dress a girl around the world" scheme.
Here are my latest creations.

We have had some lovely donations of fabric and Wipso and I spent Monday cutting it up and putting it in bags ready to sew. That's what the heap of bags/fabric is at the top of my pic.
So, we will be busy for a few more weeks yet, I think.
If you want to donate any clean pillow cases or pretty fabrics suitable for little dresses please email me and I will send details.

OK - that's enough from me - enjoy your weekly blog hop and if you want to join in then nip over to Julia's Stamping Ground and follow Mr Linky.
Hope you enjoy your visit here - I will be over to see as many as possible later today!!


  1. Dumflings look brilliant esp when mounted up. I'm sure M will sell lots.....well, I hope she does :-)
    A x

  2. Good Luck M...hope the Etsy venture goes well
    Feels a bit cooler this morning don't you think Jo? Not so pleasant at night though lol
    Hugs x

  3. Must get round to dumfling!!! Another great selection of little dresses .
    Anne x

  4. You and Wipso seem to be dressing the world with your pillow dresses. You have taken this project to heart, that's for sure.

  5. Hope that the etsy shop goes well! The Africa dresses look like they are coming along fabulously. Love the pattern on the middle one. Thank you for sharing your Wednesday! -Amanda

  6. Your little dresses look so cute! I wish I had something I could send you... Enjoy your day.

  7. Hi hun
    luv the little dumflings hope they sell well, gorgeous little frocks,the bag is on holiday,thanks for the mooch,happy WOYWW, sue,x

  8. Love those seascapes and those dresses you do are amazing. Dumfers of the world unite.
    Thanks for sharing your desk - hugs, Neet #5

  9. Those dresses are beautiful, Twiglet - I've already admired those Wipso was making. And this is the first I've ever heard of dumflings - must investigate more!

    Julie :o)

  10. You really do have a little family cottage industry going on there Jo, don’t you!
    Your daughter’s Dumfling seascapes look great and I love the latest pretty dresses. You and Annie should be feeling very proud of yourselves for what you’re doing!

    Happy Crafting!

  11. Those little seascapes are gorgeous and will make wonderful cards. I think I recognise the pattern on the red dress, from a blue version on your sister's blog. You are certainly dressing a lot of little girls between you xx

  12. What cute dresses! I have no idea what a dumfling is though. :) I just spyed with my eye that you have a needle felted bird tutorial. I'm off to check it out.:)

  13. Love the dumflings and I'm sure you must have explained the name before but, how did they get that name?
    Hurry up and get them in the Etsy shop, they'll fly off-line!

    Sandie xx

  14. love those dumflings...they are so sweet and well done on creating more beautiful dresses...thanks for the snoop...hugs kath xxx

  15. Great busy post. You and your sis put others to shame by all you fit into your time. Those dresses are such a worthwhile project and I still haven't managed to make even one!
    JoZarty x

  16. Those pillow dresses are gorgeous and for sucha good cause too.

    Thanks for a snoop

    Laura #62 x x

  17. Oh, now I get it. I just had a visit at Wipso's and thought how fantastic, but the "dress a girl around the world" theme is so wonderful. Now I see how beautiful these are. Amber was just telling me that one of her early memories that made her want to draw was the fabric on a dress she had. Who know who you'll inspire!
    Thanks for the peek. (I'm commenting from the #2 spot this week;)

  18. Wonderful dresses, I hope to make some too
    Thanks for sharing

  19. Dumflings (love that word!) look really lovely, I do like landscapey things like this esp at that size, something magical about them somehow.
    MORE pretty dresses, more gold stars earned!

  20. love your hang about

    is it a JoZart one???

    also do you know where I can get an unfeasibly cheap spinning wheel???

    Those dresses make me cry, so beautiful and so sad that those little girls are born into such poverty...


  21. I cant believe how many dresses you all have made ...and all so pretty.I love your SOS desk and the sorted desk has so much fun bits on it still really are a talented family.xx

  22. Hasn't the weather been fabulous these last few days!
    Love that hangey thingey! I made mine eons ago and it is still in regular use with all my bits in to hand - thimbles, spare needles, tape measure, though my friend managed to drop it on the floor the other day and some bits must be missing as it is a little lighter!
    Have a good week!

  23. The dumflings are gorgeous and I hope they do well. Also love the hanging thingy such a brill idea. Thanks so much for sharing, Annex

  24. Your dresses are gorgeous. Lucky girls.

  25. You and Wipso have done an amazing job - really well done. I'm sure there will be little girls who will love the dresses. The weather has been fantastic in the Marches, we've had great fun. Thanks for dropping by and for the birthday wishes xxxx

  26. Thanks for the explanation....I've got another one for you, if you haven't already thought about it, how about when you've finished an item, you say, " Da Dumpf!"? LOL!
    It is late and I should be in bed, Lord knows I need BEAUTY sleep!

    Sandie xx

  27. You two are amazing me at the speed you are turning out those little dresses. They are all so sweet. Hugs Mrs A. #107

  28. Love those little dresses, sooo cute! the Dumflings are great too! I'm sure they will do well. Thanks for sharing.

  29. Hi. I'm new having done my first ever WOYWW - thanks for stopping by! Now as I'm new, what is a dumfling? You can tell I'm a newbie huh!

  30. more fabulous dresses and creativity been going on here Jo. Its a shame to tidy it all away - don't you just want to look at them all the time?

    Paula x x x

  31. thanks for the peek. The felting looks pretty. Have a great day.

  32. Wow, you are so organized with your fabric and goodies! Happy WOYWW!

  33. What sweet dresses. I am sure they will be lovingly received. Thanks for the kind words on my blog page. See you again next week...that is if I get my act together :-0

  34. What a great project you're into! God bless you for all that hard work- the dresses are beautiful and I'm sure will bring tears to little girls' eyes!

  35. busy looking desk. Good luck with the Etsy business. Dresses are awesome! Sorry I am so late getting around but once again life has interfered with what I want to do! Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  36. The seascapes are fab - looks like M has inherited the creative talent! Thanks for stopping by...


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.