Wednesday 13 July 2011

WOYWW - crafting overdrive!

Good morning all!
Nice tidy desk today - just three of my latest pieces of work.
Two more of my Montgomery series of pics and a special Golden Wedding picture for two special friends.
The lovely Tina from Indigo Moon came over for coffee this morning, so I cleared my work table and put all the things that I had made over the last month on my dining table. They filled the table and it was great to share my work with a "real artist". So - thanks for your kind comments Tina! It's what keeps us moving onward and upward isn't it.

The other "make" of the week is this little dress. Sew Scrumptious has been collecting dresses made from a pillow case for girls in Africa - its the Dressing a girl around the world scheme.
So I decided it was about time I joined in. This is my effort. I used one pale blue pillow case and then trimmed it with the contrasting fabric from my remnant box. I think Sew Scrumptious has collected well over 100 of these little dresses and has already posted 50 out to Malawi.

OK folks - time to nip over to Julia's Stamping Ground and join the rest of the blog hoppers.
Have a great week!


  1. Love the Cafe pic now you've finished it. Look forward to seeing it in real life cos that's when they really come alive :-)
    A x

  2. Thanks for sharing your space! Who'd a thunk of dresses from pillow cases! Yours is fab BTW! Thanks so much for sharing!!!-Amanda #33

  3. Great makings! love the little dresses
    Happy woywwing!
    Jennie # 10

  4. Great pictures, but what a great idea with the pillow cases - and your dress is so pretty.

  5. Do I have to revisit and slap you???

    I have seen your work in Indigo Moon - You are an Artist,

    I bet Tina says the same, ( off to stalk her next)

    get a grip and blow your trumpet...before I wrap it round your neck in frustration


  6. Have seen pillow case dresses all over the place lately and I wondered what they were for. What a lovely idea.

  7. That dress is absolutely beautiful and what a fab cause.Shame im not that handy with sewing machine cards and albums i can sew .But going far as a dress nope.Im sure who ever receives this will be over the moon!Fab idea
    Hugs judex 11

  8. Thanks for sharing your space, have a good week!

  9. I am amazed the dress started out as a pillowcase, thats 'sew' clever
    Happy wednesday
    hugs Minxy x

  10. Oooh, I do love your cafe piece! You have really captured a "feeling" with this piece.
    And how sweet is that little dress! I can't believe it was once a pillowcase. Good for you to help someone in need with something so lovely!
    Happy WOYWW!
    xoxo Karen #53

  11. Friends are so helpful in the virtual world and the real one. One is on her way over to me now - hopefully with cake!

  12. The dress is lovely Twiglet. I have a pillow case sized laundry bag with a pretty horse on it (and the word 'laundry' which I'm sure you can get around that). Can I send it to you to make a dress for Africa, my sewing isn't up to it myself?

    ** Kate **

  13. Love your pictures and the little dress is gorgeous. What a worthwhile thing to do. Hugs, Neet

  14. such wonderful artwork. and the dress is so sweet. I'll be checking that website out.

  15. Love the dress - I'm also off to check the website out. Love the artwork Jo!! Di xx

  16. Such a pretty dress. Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  17. Great idea with the pillow cases. I'm loving your Montgomery pics... what on earth do you mean about sharing with a "real" artist... that's your own title too!
    Love joZarty x

  18. Your embroidered houses are gorgeous, you are very talented. I wouldn't know where to start! But, a huge thank you for the link to Sew Scrumptious. What an amazingly fab idea - I'm definitely going to make something for this, it really appeals to me. The photos of their website of the little girls in their finery just makes your heart melt xx

  19. WoW! You'd never know that dress was originally a pillow case! And your pics are wonderful too

  20. Your work is wonderful and as others before me have said, you are an artist too:)
    I just found a tutorial for a pillow case dress at the weekend and was sorry that my daughter is too big for one now! Thanks to your post I can make one for a worthwhile cause instead xx

  21. Just love your Cafe picture, you are very clever! Have a great Crafting week ! HaPpY WoYwW

  22. Love the pillowcase dress and such a worthwhile cause. I'm sure I have a spare one or two so am popping over to find out the rules. Thanks for sharing. Hugs Mrs A.

  23. Thanks Jo, so lovely to catch up with you the other day, real artist indeed, you're the real artist your work is amazing. The cafe picture is gorgeous and much better in real life. catch up with you soon, finished with your mags by the way. xxxxx

  24. Those little emboidery pieces are gorgeous!! Well Done! And as for that little dress it is FAB!!

  25. Wow are an amazing sewing machine artist ...I love it all ...and the card will be treasured.

  26. I love the Montgomery series, I really do. But I love the little dress more, and how typically generous of you to contribute, great scheme.

  27. You certainly are a real artist your work is brilliant. The dress is lovely and what a wonderful idea. Anne x

  28. Now that's the sort of charity giving I respect. At least the 'fat cats' can't buy weapons and drugs with a dress. Well done you.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  29. great pictures you have finished and what a neat idea making pillow case dresses for girls in africa. Good for you! thanks for sharing. Vickie

  30. Love the little pics of Ludlow and that's a beautiful little dress, such a great cause too.


  31. Oh. My. Goodness. Me.
    Have you had time to eat, or breathe? I am so impressed with everything you've done (& the haircut!). Have had a lovely read back through time but sadly don't have time (pooter very slow)to leave a message on each post. Love the Scareowl! Is he still working. Also very much like those pretty pick flower brooches and the freehand work and this little dress, it's quite charming and... and... well just all of it really!
    Off to see Wipso now.
    Much love

  32. Those embroidered houses are adorable. You do a super job making them. And it was good that you could share time with ANOTHER "real artist" like yourself!

    I've not seen one of those dresses before, but they appear to be for a worthy cause. I could never make anything that actually required measuring or cutting. If I can't rip and tear the fabric, you need to forget me! Hope you had a great WOYWW.

  33. Hi Jo, more beautiful collages, and of Wales, just lovely. The little dress is terrific - and out of a pillowcase and a remnant - it looks easy to wear and easy to launder too. Hope you're having a great weekend. Elizabeth x #99

  34. Onward and upward for the ever busy Twiglet.
    Some very handsome work you have produced again.

  35. Catching up. Love your Golden design. That dress is what I need with our high humidity, it is miserable here. Having 3 grandchildren this week so will be busy. Enjoy

  36. What a sweet little dress - thanks for linking into artsee bloggers!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.