Saturday 11 June 2011

It's a blue day.

Just a few pics - all purply blue
I thought you would like them
So I'll share them with you!

(Poetry never was my strong point!)

Just a few flowers from my garden.........

And last but not least a few little snippets of a fab collage sent to me by Donna.

Thanks Donna - the post man had a laugh at the way you addressed me as super sleuth or was it super snooper!!
There was such a lot of detail in each part of the collage, I thought I would show it in close up!


  1. the collage looks intriguing! love the blue flowers.

  2. I've seen the collage for real and Donna has put a lot of work into it. Love the flowers.
    A x

  3. After I sent it I worried about the colours, but the collage looks good nestling in your flowers so I hope this winter it brings some summer to your home...


  4. Fab Collage and lovely flowers Jo. xx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.