Wednesday 8 June 2011

WOYWW - June 8th

My room is a mess - the floor is covered with threads and fabric scraps - my table has been cleared but only because I have piled it high on a shelf out of sight!!

Happy WOYWW everyone!!!

So -  on my lovely tidy table, you can see the cards I planned with daughter M.
She thought they were fab and then floored me by suggesting I do some with flamingoes on!!
(I will give it a go as I don't like to be beaten!)
I have to credit Fi (Marmaladerose) for, yet again, inspiring me with her gorgeous cards that she made for Milkchurn Cottage.

I am loving my free machine work and today I made another "shop" picture. If you know Montgomery then you will know this shop!!

Below are just a few of the colours in my garden at present. Mostly blues and purply pinks.

It was great to visit as many folk as I did last week. I don't think I made it to everyone but I had a really good try!! Thanks for all your lovely comments too. I am looking forward to seeing all those PiFs on display.
Mine has a long way to come but I don't mind waiting!!
Have a fab week. Join in this mad blog hop by following me over to Julia's Stamping Ground and checking out the blogs on Mr Linky.


  1. Love the cards and latest pic Jo. Great to hear you are being commissioned to do others now too. Keep up the good work.
    A x

  2. Love that picture...featured you on my blog you should show bigger pictures of your beautiful free machine embroidery Jo
    Hugs Suz x

  3. that IT that's IT - THE SHOP

    I want to live in THAT SHOP


  4. Hi Jo,
    Your cards are very pretty I especially like the Mum one so I might be taking inspiration from you this time, lol. I have a list from Karen of cards that she'd like for her whirly-gig-thingy.

    Thanks for the mention sweetie your iron mongers shop is fab, I really must get around to doing some more of mine but things got put on hold when the sweet shop owner mentioned the word 'copyright' to me! All sorted now though.(hopefully)
    Need to pick your brains - I noticed a Husqvarna sewing machine on your desk. I need a new bulb for mine, its a funny little push in one. Do you know where I can get one from? It's mighty gloomy stitching in the dark!
    Fi x

  5. really pretty Twiglet.

    flamingoos? wow. do you need some photos Daniel and TJ took loads on our recent trip to the zoo.

    blessings to you
    from Angela

  6. Hi just gave me an idea
    Would you do the camper?..
    Phil's birthday 20th June and he would love a NooNoo picture with all the flags on it lol
    Not expecting it for the 20th though but as soon as you can
    Hugs Suz x

  7. Hello Jo, you are an artist! I love this picture with the Montgomery shop. Fantastic creation! I just managed yesterday to "re-pile" in my craft room, only because there was no space anymore to do anything. So glad to hear that others are in the same circumstances ;-). I love especially the blue of your delphinium.

  8. If you've been to Montgomery you know all the shops because last time I counted them on one hand. The hardware, got it all, labyrinth shop is just a gob-smacker...could lose a husband in there for a year or two.

    Such great sewing - captures the mood so well.

  9. Just sent you a mail...was in my junk box (don't know why) so only just seen it...thanks
    hugs x

  10. lovely cards, Jo. your pif you sent was amazing.

  11. beautiful card and pictures of flowers, beautiful workspace, thank you for sharing, Happy WOYWW 105, #22, (please do check out my blog candy)

  12. Fabulous projects
    Kathleen x

  13. Oh, very very nice..the cards and the picture..very very nice!!
    Take care

  14. Hi hun
    gorgeous cards, very pretty, luv the shop, very clever,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  15. The cards are beautiful; you'll manage a bother. Well, if you can do shops you can do flamingoes.
    The flowers are gorgeous!
    Sue xxx

  16. Love your garden pics- I have put some on mine today, too. Happy WOYWW, Shaz #96

  17. Someone has pinched the cherry in the middle cocktail - could it be that sister of yours.? LOL
    LOve the cards - you are so clever with your machine.
    x Tricia (39)

  18. Love the cards but that shop pictue is another stunning piece of work are so talented.

  19. I love your cards and your photography too.

    Happy WOYWW

    Carol C

  20. Your shop picture is a stunner. Cards are really pretty. Can't wait to see the flamingo's though.
    Hugs Mrs a. #101

  21. Love your cards! Flamingoes!! The girl is testing your limits. Love the shop picture. Thanks for sharing! Vickie

  22. Man oh man I love your garden. They are my colours too! Hahaha.....out of sight out of mind, right? Happy WOYWW ;)

  23. What a wonderful garden you have and you're wowing me again with your fabric pictures!

  24. Great cards and I just love the shop scene you created.

  25. I really love that shop scene, so detailed and just perfect. What a talented lady you are.

  26. Oh you guys are just uber talented.... sigh.....

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Lovely cards you hv been busy. Hugs Pam x

  29. Your machine work is fabulous
    I try it and just have a mess!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.