Monday 13 June 2011

Latest collages and a creature from the deep!!

Just so that you know I haven't been sitting with my feet up all weekend!!

On Friday I spent the day making a free-machine embroidered picture for my friend Suz. Her hubby has a neat little VW camper van and she asked if I could make a picture for him.
"Of course I can" said I ....... and after about 5 hours work, this was the end result.
She loves it - I just hope P. does too! (Click on pic to enlarge)

Sunday, that horrible, cold, wet day arrived and daughter M came to craft with me.
She was busy with amazing little Baboushka doll pics.
(I will devote a post to her later in the week.)

I decided to make a collage from a photo of the "Postcard from Wales" - a garden at the Chelsea Flower Show. My friend Roz sent me the photo of it and it was just the most perfect litttle garden, crying out for it to be converted into a little collage.....

(Click on pic to enlarge)
Not sure what to do with this picture but I think I might produce some copies as they would make lovely greetings cards.  I will probably put it in our blog shop "SistersCrafty Creations" so keep a look out if you are interested.

So my next project may be a collage of this little creature.....found beneath my veg rack.

Don't panic - it won't bite!
It'sjust a shrivelled carrot but it gave me quite fright!

And below is the best scarecrow we can find.
We have been woken every morning for over a week by marauding crows attacking our windows.
So, we fixed my little garden owl model to the fence.
We haven't been woken for the last two mornings - RESULT!!


  1. Do you know ....I think you can get into terrible trouble for tying down an owl :-)
    As ever Jo your works of art look amazing but are even more so in real life....You have such talent.
    A x

  2. I just love those collages the cottage one is great!

  3. Oh wow Jo! Beautiful collages, the camper van will be especially treasured I bet. What a clever little thing you are to be sure! Di x

  4. Jo, your talent is unique!! I find not only the 'Bully' (as it was called in German)a great picture but how fantastic is that Chelsea Welsh Garden! This garden has touched a lot of people, you know? I must see all the Chelsea reports soon, had them all recorded as we were not able to see it during the week. I understand that as any artist, you have that itch in your fingers to "paint" it with your needle. Beautiful!

  5. That camper van is amazing.....well done love it.

  6. Hi Jo..thanks again it really is a lovely picture and l'm sure Phil will adore it
    Sent you a link to look at but to the family addy...oops
    Worth a look, exactly what we talked about, l'm sure it would work for you too..take a look at the price of the originals...gulp!
    Hugs Suz x

  7. Your embroidered pictures just get better and better...

  8. The VW is bloody FANTASTIC!!!! I love it. xxxxxxx

  9. I have been reading your posts and I just have to say,, your work is beautiful,, I love this,,

  10. Shrivelled carrot!!! Might fit in with my assemblages! You did make me laugh! Loved the camper van! See you soon, xxx

  11. What a great post... wonderful creations and lots of fun.I really thought that dead carrot was a caterpillar!!
    The owl is a great decoy.. well done for the idea.
    If you want any inspiration for doors and windows, check out my post in Dec 2009 ( around 14/15th) when I visited the South of France. I am obsessed with photographing them!
    Love JoZarty x

  12. I must admit at first glance I thought your shrivelled carrot was some sort of exotic caterpillar, lol.Love the owl on the fencepost, brilliant idea. You can also get silhouettes of hawks, etc, that you can stick to your windows to keep them away. Stops them flying into large patio doors too. Shaz #96


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.