Wednesday 11 May 2011

WOYWW - 101 - looking for inspiration!

Rain has stopped play with the gardening, so I have been looking for a crafty activity.
I finished my WOYWW Pass it Forward, last week. (See post below for a sneaky peep - just a tiny corner - of course we won't reveal the full Monty until after week 104).

Sometimes my ideas just dry up and I need a boost. Who doesn't?
So my table today is ready for a browsing session later.

A rich source of inspiration are my Stitch and Cloth, Paper, Scissors mags.
Lots of clever folk in here including Tina Gilmore (Indigo Moon), who has an article or two in the issue at the top of my pic. Don't you love the little heart-shaped brooch that she made for me too! Tina sells them in her shop if you are interested.

I love delving into these mags to see what these clever artists are up to.
Mostly I choose to work in fabric but having seen Tina's work I am tempted to have a go at mixed media. Wipso and I are hoping Tina will organise a workshop so that we can see her in action and she can give us a few tips and point us in the right direction.

Lastly - a little pic taken through my kitchen window - hence the fog and raindrops.
Each evening, a pair of robins take it in turn to have their "wash and brush up" in my bird bath.
My favourite little bird!

OK folks - I will be over to check up on you all later. Well I say all - I never get to see more than half of you these days. I love dropping in and seeing what you are up to.
If anyone is reading this and wondering what I am talking about, then do check out Stamping Ground - Julia's blog. She is the kind soul who set WOYWW in motion and now links up over 150 crafty bloggers! Thanks Julia - you are a treasure.


  1. Fab little robin pic Jo.
    A x

  2. Such cute robin my fav bird too!Please send some rasin our way !To Norfolk weve not had any for weeks the gardens are desperate.Im doing the naughty thing and hosing tiwce aday especially my veggie patch whihc is blooming very fast with this weather.
    So please send over to
    Happy Creative wednesday
    hugs judex 8

  3. Great pic of the robin. Hope you find something to spur you on in the magazines!

  4. Lovely post, that robin piccie is a keeper,very clever of you to get that photograph,Megs will love it.
    Have a look at this if you get a min ..actually you might just wander and get lost so be warned ..grab a coffee, it's gorgeous!

    Be careful when looking at those mags, too much inspiration I always find.Can't wait to see what you'll make though! Love Karenxxx

  5. Love that photo of the birds! looks like you are in for a fabulous day with those magazines - have fun and I hope you get lots of inspiration. Sunshine Girl no. 24

  6. What a brill. photo Jo! Have a lovely day! Di xx

  7. Meant to say - could you maybe do a needle felt piccie using the robin photo? Di x

  8. all these people saying they have finished their PIFs and mine isn't underway yet. I had better get cracking!

    ** Kate **

  9. Hi hun lovely pick of the robin so sweet. I do the same with my craft stamper mags when I need a boost ;0)

    Love Dawn xx

  10. the kids & books. TJ's getting published in one later this month ....

    I love robins

  11. The robin looks as though he would happily request a loofah and some bubble bath... What a great pic! It looks as though you have loads of inspiration there.


  12. i had to ditch my first image of my desk because I had forgotten to hide miss WOYWW 104...

    i'm getting so excited soon I will not be sleeping...


  13. Those mags look great, I can see why you love to spend a while browsing through them for inspiration.

    Love the robin bathing!

    Keryn x

  14. Great mags there - I could but 20 a week if possible. Still need to create my PIF...eek!

    Thanks for sharing today,

    Sarah at 5

  15. I too love to watch the robins but my bird bath isn't close to the window so I just have to make do with watching them scoff all the bird food.
    Can't wait to see what you've made as your PiF!
    joZarty x

  16. lots of lovely pictures, great picture of the robin, Thank you for sharing, Happy WOYWW 101, not long left to WOYWW 104 - the 2nd anniversary, #2

  17. Love the robin photo !!! And yes those mags are a great read

  18. Cor I saw your sneaky peek - it's actually far more exciting than I thought it would be! Love that Robin wonderful. I love browsing back issues of mags...I prefer them out of date because then I don't panic about things I need to learn to do or ideas I have to have!

  19. I love having a flick through magazines for inspiration - happy reading. x

  20. Can I come over for a coffee and flick through your mags with you please? I'll bring some bakestones too - homemade of course!
    Love your robin. we have two tits who peck at our window if the feeder is empty and I have a couple of pics too! Bless em! They do make us smile!

  21. Hi Jo, thank you so much for posting the ME badge.
    I love your Robin pic. I too love Robin's they are very cheeky!!
    Hugs x

  22. That's evoked a big ahhh for the robin. Great shot! Been traumatised with no Blogger for past 3 days as it went into read only mode whilst it updated and had to fix the glitches! Takes me all week to get round, I just dip in when time permits. Determined to make it round to everyone for once, I haven't got very far as you can see!Elaine #16

  23. Aww Jo, don’t you just love the little Robins. I have a pair that visit my garden every day too and they are so cheeky, they almost sit at my feet waiting for me to turn over a tasty morsel for them and when I go out to replenish the bird feeders they are there waiting for their mealworms before they hit the dish.
    Hope you found the inspiration you were looking for in your mags and I look forward to seeing what creative loveliness you come up with next.
    Happy WOYWW!

  24. You getting a lot of rain over your way!! maybe i just don't see it too much in Montgomery because of the position of the house! Good eh! I have some old belle Armoir mags here you can have a look at too. Nice to see you the other day...xxxx

  25. Know what you mean about ideas drying up! I'm even thinking of (gasp) starting a sketch book so when mojo goes, I can fake it. We get birds bathing in my very small water garedn out back, they are so fun to watch, aren't they?
    Becky 138


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.