Saturday 14 May 2011

Argh! Little seedlings just up and this happens!

I suppose it's just a typical British summer.
All my little seedlings are just about 2 cms above the ground - fresh, green and tender.
They have sprouted quickly in this warm, wet weather.
And then we had this hailstorm last night.
It rattled on the roof and clattered on the windows - I just had to take a look!
Chilly - very chilly.
However, the thundery sky cleared and I noticed there was still a bit of light around 10 o'clock.
This morning they look fine - I needn't have worried. That's nature for you.

We are hoping for a warm dry weekend and good luck for Shrewsbury Town playing in the playoffs in Torquay!!
Happy weekend everyone - I hope Blogger is behaving itself today.


  1. Argh. It's amazing how much running around the weather and the seeds cause...entirely out of proportion! Glad all seems well though!

  2. I'm still waiting for a drop of rain! xxx

  3. we've been having a week of rain and freezing weather here in Melbourne/Australia! certainly below the normal for us at this time of year. Im sick of the rain!

  4. Hailstones !!! What the ? Your poor seedlings.

  5. Oh dear - poor wee mites. But they seem tough enough to be OK! Have a nice weekend! Di x

  6. blimey o'reilly! Hailstorms in the midst of May, as you say Jo, just a typical British Summer really isnt it!

    Glad they seem to have survived though, nothing worse than to lose them before they even begin!

    Keryn x

  7. Darn weather anyway..... you just never know what we will be served up....

    Yesterday here was a beautiful day...then the wind really kicked up and huge ugly black clouds appeared...just at dark.... somehow...nothing more happened. Today...clear as a bell and wild winds.... we'll see if it blows in something, but at least for now it is okay.....hope all your little plants survived...

  8. It's not going well at the Shewsbury Town play offs at the moment :( (half time and Torquay are winning 2-0)

    There's nothing like our part of the world for highlighting the changes in the weather.

    I've heard the summer is going to be a massive heat wave ;)


  9. Beautiful here today, until I got absorbed watching the latest Dr Who episode.He is 'a bit gorgeous, that Matt Smith ;) The weather knew this and that's when it decided to rain on the washing I'd put out ...sigh! There's always a pay back

  10. often fragile things emerge with strength from adversity,

    (FMe I don't know where that came from)

    (it's probably the 'what doesn't kill me just makes me proper poorly philosophy that is our family motto thing)

    I popped over to ask you to drop me your addie there is something I would like to mail you, click on contact on the new blog if I haven't already given you my email...

    oh faithful follower...


  11. Sorry about your team losing, but you sound like you and Annie enjoyed the celebrating. Bless you whilst your seedlings are left out in hail, you nurtured my gorgeous rose bush, you're a darling thank you. xxx


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.