Friday 6 May 2011

Sneaky peek and a walk in the forest.

Just a tiny part of my WOYWW 2 year anniversary celebration Pass it Forward item.
I have frosted it up so that you can't really tell what it is - what a tease!!!
I thought I should get going on it as we only have a few weeks to go.

Also I thought I would post a couple of snaps from our forest walk. It was a lovely day and really great to spend time with old friends.

A big pool used for private fishing - strangely, a shoal of large golden carp (goldfish) were swimming near the edge.

Bluebells in a clearing and lots of different sorts of conifer trees in this part of the forest.

And, believe it or not, this is the Poultry House.

It was built in 1861 as a Victorian aviary with nesting boxes and coops for all kinds of fowl including a swimming pool for the ducks and geese.

Collecting fowl was the fashion of the time, favoured by Queen Victoria, and John Naylor gave this Poultry House to his talented fourth daughter Georgina to keep her collection in.

In the 1989 The Landmark Trust purchased the Poultry House and fully restored it, along with the adjoining cottage now used by the Landmark Trust as a holiday let.

Here is one of MY favourite little birds.
A little swallow - she was trying to choose a mate from several of the males trying to attract her attention under the eaves of Coed-y-Dinas garden centre.


  1. ooh, that pool looks deep and mysterious. I know you said it's for fishing but my imagination is running riot. You're being very mysterious about that WOYWW art project too...time will tell though. And that poultry house certainly puts a politicians duck house in the shade. Love Karen

  2. You tease....and I know what it really looks like :-)
    What fab snaps....esp the one of the swallow out on the pull :-)
    A x

  3. Stunning pics Twiglet! That swallow is just so cute...and you're a naughty little tease about WOYWW 104! Di x

  4. i cocked up and posted my PIF so I did another one, and it's been sitting on my desk for weeks and I am going to Really miss it when it goes...

  5. That looks like a fab walk, can't believe that beautiful building is for birds!
    Hugs Suz x

  6. What a lovely time you must of had it looks simply lovely

    Love Dawn xx


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