Monday 30 May 2011

Like mother.......

Daughter M came over for a crafting day on Saturday.
She wanted to make two "new home" cards for her two friends who were moving house this weekend.
She had seen my free-machined fabric collages that I have been making recently and she fancied having a go herself. We are very alike in some ways!!

So - I set her up with all the fabrics, threads and machine and hovered nearby - in case she needed me!
Ha! - Like a duck to water.
She had her little pics cut out and bondawebbed down in no time.
I don't suppose she has done free machining for a year or so, but I guess its like riding a bike - once you can do it you never forget.
Her finished pics were lovely and, with a little advice on mounting them, she had two lovely cards to take away.

BUT - not satisfied with that, and with the rest of the day to play, she set to and made 5 more little pics which she is hoping to frame and sell.
She remarked how brilliant crafting is as a stress buster and I can only agree. Once you get your head down creating - the stress disappears and you focus on the sheer pleasure of indulging yourself in something you love. I can recommend it. In fact M. and I think we might run courses  -
 " De-stress not distress!" lol

I guess they will go in the blog shop or maybe to a craft fair in the next few months.
We have such a lot of lovely things to sell at the moment so I think we need to get out and about and show folk what we have got!!
Have a great Bank Holiday Monday - its wet and miserable here so I am having a crafting day.


  1. How lovely when you can see the seeds you've planted grow and develop so beautifully. :-)
    A x

  2. M’s done a fab job there Jo, her pieces are beautiful and I’m sure her friends are going to be thrilled with them. Maybe she could give them each a little frame to go with them and then they can hang them on their walls later.

    Sun’s shining here (sorry to rub it in) so I’m off to have a coffee in the garden but rain is promised for later.

    Have a great day

  3. Fantastic I say!!!!
    What lovely detailed sewing work
    How interesting that both our posts should be door related.
    Keep smiling and creating.

  4. They are amazing....well done to your Daughter x

  5. So lovely for you to spend time with M -- and get her inspired to create more !!!Can't get Samm (my daughter on the machine we bought her some time ago -- I always get --" but you'll do it so much quicker mum " !
    We're always proud when our children achieve !!!......
    M's work is fabulous ..........
    product of a great tutor
    See you Wenesday
    Anne xxxxx

  6. How lovely you can share crafting with your daughter - my boys try to feign interest in what I make occasionally but unless they have a complete change around of interest they'll never join in! At least we sometimes cook together and that's creative, and hopefully useful to them later on in life too. xx

  7. How fantastic Jo, lovely work! You must be very proud of the beautiful results. Di x

  8. Aww ...mother and daughter time. Priceless! Those are gorgeous,you have a very talented daughter, and she obviously has a great teacher.
    Love karen

  9. Hi...lovely cards like Mother like Daughter...two clever crafters
    Love them
    Hugs Suz x

  10. These pictures are lovely that your daughter has made. Thanks for sharing the WOYWW Anniversary card with us all. Teresa x

  11. its so sweet that your litrtle girl is following in mummy's footsteps,, quite an artist she is also,, I'm your newest follower!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.