Wednesday 1 June 2011

Celebrating WOYWW 104!!!!!!

Good morning to all the WOYWWers who are joining in to celebrate the second anniversary of this mad blog hop around the crafting desks of the world!!
Firstly, a huge thank you to Julia for thinking of the idea and then managing it so brilliantly.
(BTW - the card is not my PiF - I just wanted to post something on my little WOYWW easel beside my !st anniversary pin cushion and the Champers!)

We have made so many friends through our weekly visits to their desks.
There are so many like-minded folk out there that we would never have met otherwise.
I know its hard to visit everyone, but lovely that so many like to call in and leave a comment here.
Thank you to you all - you are such a positive bunch and I know Wipso and I would not be where we are today without all your encouragement!

So - my desk today.......
You can see the two, mounted fabric collages that I finished last week.
They are pics of little shops in Montgomery.
It is such a quaint little town. I decided to capture some of their pretty little buildings in a collage or two.
Below are some of daughter M's little free-machined pics that she made on Saturday.
We had a chill out day here. She made a couple of "new home" cards (see post below).
Then she felt the urge to make a few more, so that I could mount them and maybe sell them for her.
He he - do contact me if you would like one!!
OK - that's enough. I am going to make a real effort to get round EVERYONE this week so look out!!!

Right - off to sign up to Mr Linky with my *Twiglet.
I wonder who my little Pass it Forward will be heading off to by the end of today?????
Have a great WOYWW 104. x Twiglet.


  1. Such lovely pictures sis. What talent :-)
    A x

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I really like these fabric collages. They are lovely. Happy 104th WOYWW from #9.

  4. I love the pictures you have made.
    Happy WOYWW 2nd Birthday to you and everyone... it really has been a great way of making new friends and having fun.
    Love joZarty x

  5. Great fabric collages! Your desk is always one of my Wednesday highlights.

  6. What intricate fabric collages! Can't imagine how you do them!

    I'm supposed to send you my PIF so I'll need your address. Happy Anniversary! Patsy from

  7. Happy 104 Anniversary
    Hugs XX

  8. Lovely fabric collages! I always love visiting you and seeing your beautiful creations!
    Your WOYWW Anniversary picture is so sweet!
    Happy 2nd Anniversary WOYWW!
    xoxo Karen
    p.s. pop on over to see what became of my blobs of Sculpey from last week :)

  9. Hi, my mum gave my aunty the picture yesterday for her birthday & its gone down a storm so I was asked to send on huge thank yous from us all.
    Big hugs x x

  10. Lovely little pictures - such talent - and which has obviously been handed down to daughter M (judging by the beautiful cards she made in the posting below). Happy WOYWW Anniversary.

  11. Great fabric collages. I used to do a bit of free machine embroidery a long time ago. It was great fun! Happy WOYWW!

  12. Pour a glass for me!

    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversay!

    ** Kate **

  13. Love the fabric colleges - thanks for sharing and Happy WOYWW Anniversary

  14. Love those little pics! Have a wonderful birthday and happy WOYWW
    Rebecca xx

  15. Great Party pic - Been to Montgomery and loved it - great craft /gift/all things pretty shop there too!
    Happy WOYWW...Thanks for sharing and have a great week,
    Sarah at 12

  16. Mmm, champagne! :)You're gonna be one happy crafter mama blogger tonight! :) Happy WOYWW!

  17. Cheers and how extra celebratory to have that first photo! So nice of you to pour us all a champagne. You need a lot of bottles these days with so many joining in the fun. Kirsty is gonna be lucky...I just know it! Here's to another year of snoopy, fun, inspiration.

  18. Who would think that something so simple would turn into something so very exciting. Happy woyww.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  19. Oh WOW mother like daughter ...talented beyond words ...amazing work.

  20. What beautiful collage pictures you have made:)

  21. Forgot to say - love your rainbow photo at the top of the page

  22. I’m making a special effort to get around everyone as it’s a special week this week.

    Are your pictures for you JO or are you going to put them on your local shops to sell. I think they would go down so well with the locals because they’re just that – local!
    WOYWW has been a great place to meet friends and I can’t thank you enough for all your support last year when I was troubled by my eyesight and then going through the trauma of losing dad. It means so much, so thanks.

    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary and …………….
    Happy Crafting!

  23. Fabulous desky lookings... lovely work too ... have a great week

  24. TWIGGYLET - I have lost your addie - please can you send it to me using the CONTACT tab on the new website?//

    sorry for the delay I am useless in terms of the freebies this week... even more so than usual...


    that home/hardware, got it all store? I spent the WHOLE day in there and then realised Niall had too and we came out with one packet of seeds and huge grins on our faces...


  25. It is nice I wasn't alone having a craftie day on Saturday, through to Sunday too!!
    Happy WOYWW.
    Nice bits on your desk there!

  26. Love visiting your desk and seeing the fabric creations you make .
    Thank you so much for sharing
    Anns xxx

  27. Never tried free machine embroidery bit scared to really. am sure the machine would run away from me. love the look of yours and your daughters. Two talented people.
    Thanks for visiting.
    x Tricia

  28. Happy WOYWW 2nd anniversary. Your fabric projects and desk look neat. Thanks for the Champers. Hic

  29. Free machining...looks pretty hard from here, but the results are just fab! I love the idea of a few of your local shops committed to fabric, what a great idea. And thanks, I'll have champagne...blot out the day!

  30. Happy 2nd WOYWW Birthday have had a lovely day loving your pictures((HUGS)) ;o) Liz

  31. I see your daughter has inherited your talent, what amazing pictures she has created. I couldn't do this in a million years. Fantastic.
    Happy WOYWW 2nd Birthday and I'm off to visit more desks full of champas bubbles, thsnks for sharing.
    Hugs Lisax #85

  32. beautiful work! Mini canvases for sure. Love the work you do! Happy #104-2nd Anniversary of WOYWW Thanks for sharing. Vickie #55

  33. What alovely touch the champers card and gorgeous pin cushion.
    Happy Woyww 104 birthday have good one!
    hugs judex 134

  34. Thanks for stopping by my blog, love your creative sewing happy WOYWW
    Kathleen x

  35. Love the collages, they're wonderfull. Thanks for sharing.

  36. happy WOYWW to you too...hugs kath xxx

  37. Sighhh.. such talent I can only dream of!

    Happy WOYWW 2nd anniversary xxx

  38. Oh, your embroidery looks quite wonderful!

  39. Those pictures are really lovely and certainly celebrate your part of the world. Happy anniversary and thanks for your visit earlier.

  40. Happy Anniversary..slurps champers!

    have a fabulous week.x

  41. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comment - it's appreciated. I'm off on my holidays tomorrow but didn't want to go without dropping by and wishing you a great week ahead. Elizabeth x #81

  42. Happy 2nd WOYWW Anniversary and really love the little picture the Twiglet and wow your daughter is earlier in the post below well done to both of you!, thanks for popping over Shaz in Oz.x

  43. Oh what beautiful things you have on your desk today! Lovely, lovely!
    Thank you for all your comments on my blog - I am a bit late today but I am here now with all my luuuuv! :-)
    Happy 2nd WOYWW birthday!
    Lots of hugs,

  44. Definitely looks like your talent has been passed down to your daughter :-)

    Happy WOYWW 2nd Anniversary - I hope that bubby is well chilled ;-)


  45. Hey happy to have gotten to know you through WOYWW this last year! Happy WOYWW!

  46. What adorable designs. The things you learn on WOYWW !!! Enjoy

  47. Great pics! Happy Woyww!

    Thank you for sharing.:)

    Maggie #65

  48. I love those collages of the little shops. It reminds me of my many visits to England.

  49. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog last week sorry I am so late in visiting back but I was on holiday until late yesterday - hope you had a great woyww. I love those fabric collages I so must have a go at one of those one day (so much to do so little time!).

  50. The collages you create are totally fantastic! I'd love to be able to create something like that.
    Lisa-Jane #75

  51. Ooooh - such gorgeous pictures! I especially love the medieval doorway - can you reserve that one for me and I'll snap your hand off for it!!!?????

    Oh, Happy WOYWW!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.