Wednesday 25 May 2011

WOYWW - 103

Only one week to go until the 2nd anniversary of WOYWW. The two years have flown by since Julia our "Queen of Snoop" had the brilliant idea to link up fellow crafters by suggesting we all blog a photo of our Wednesday work desk. Since then, I am sure you agree, we have all made some fab friends and enjoyed our weekly snoop into other folks' workrooms. So next week we will celebrate by adding a * to our name when we sign onto Mr Linky to show that we are joining in the Pass it Forward. My little parcel is all ready to post!!!

Today I have a desk  full of cloths that I am making for daughter M. She wants them for display tables for her Community Council so, I have printed off the logo and now need to stitch them in place on the poly cotton sheeting. A quick job but I have 6 more to do.

My little fabric collage was a pressie for a special friend. A little joke really cos she has re-vamped her shed to make a fab little summer house. I thought she needed a special picture to hang in it.
I was inspired by MarmaladeRose who has made some wonderful shed pictures with fabric collage.
I used to make lots like this many years ago and I have enjoyed re-discovering my skills.

Short and sweet today as I am going out for lunch with old school friends and then on to garden for M.
Have a great day everyone - see you next week for celebrations!!!


  1. what great fabric collage. You are just so darned talented! have a great day.

  2. The pic was stunning and didn't T just love are a treasure.
    A x

  3. Just love the piccy /collage of the shed .Have alovely lunch with your friends.Have creative week
    hugs judex12

  4. Really impressed with your picture - fabulous! Lucky friend!
    Lucky buy too at the market (pram) and what a clever girl you are getting it knocked down in price. Good for you. And good luck with the cloths.
    Hugs,Neet #11

  5. Hi hun, busy desk, luv the fabric piccies, beautiful work, thanks for the snoop, happy WOYWW, sue,x ( 23)

  6. just perfect colours on the fabric collage and well done on the buggy too.
    Great stuff.
    Thanks for sharing, have a great week.
    Sarah at 18 (Sasa)

  7. The sheds are fantastic: but you need to tell me if you made them. Whoever made them they are gorgeous!!
    Have fun, Twiglet!
    Sue xxx

  8. I have to say Jo, I’m in awe of your little shed picture. It must have taken you ages to stitch because there is so much detail in there.

    Happy Crafting!

  9. Sweet project, It is so very pretty, How nice is that going to be for your friend. I hope the sun shines on you and her summer house.
    Keep smiling and creating

  10. Love the shed pic.. .what a nice friend you are... well I know that already!
    Looking forward to next week!
    JoZarty x

  11. Ah now I see what the canvas at the end of Wipso's table is! Lovely lovely! I'm ashamed that I know not of Community Councils...b ut how very community spritied of you to do this for them!

  12. Fab fab picture jo, i'd love a shed like that (so was the flower shop one you brought over today!!) Lovely to see you by the way. Will dig out some more old fabrics for you when i get a minute. xx

  13. its always a joy to see your fab work x

  14. What a wonderful fabric collage
    Kathleen x

  15. great workspace, Happy WOYWW 103, One more week to the 2nd anniversary, #16

  16. Awesome fabric collage! Love the shed! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #46

  17. Your fabric cottage collages are just the sweetest things! That is a very special present for your friend!
    Karen (#123)

  18. What a super collage! Just love it. Di xx

  19. Wow Jo - those shed collages are bloody brilliant. You are such a talented person - I still wonder at how you and Annie can fit so much in to a day - and its still all play for you - you never make it sound like a chore. Such special people!

    Paula x x x

  20. Hello I just wanted to make contact as I found your blog by looking up ippiken, the wool shop in Much Wenlock, as you mention you visited it in an earlier blog.I thought you might be interested to hear that I am part of a group of 6 quilters (The Village Quilters from Kent)and we are bringing an exhibition of our quilts to The Priory Hall, Much Wenlock on 25th June 2011. There will be lots of beautiful patchwork quilts to view plus a sales table of lovely material, small hand made items etc. Entrance is £2 and all profits are in aid of a small Shropshire-based charity run by my cousin who is building an orphanage for children in Kenya whose parents have died of aids. ( come and visit us if you can! (10am - 5pm)

  21. yes blogger was being a real pain!! (and still is a bit slow! love your cottages...very cottagey!
    Happy Late Woyww


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.