Friday 25 March 2011

Fun - filled evening!

Yes folks - our pleasures are simple!

Last night Wipso and I entertained the lovely Tina - well no, that's not quite right - the lovely Tina entertained us!!

We had a girly evening giving Tina a helping hand with one of her pre-wedding tasks.

I won't say what - but here is a sneaky peek.

My spare bed is now a gorgeous mountain of loveliness.

I am not sure how they will be transferred to the venue but lets just say I think it will require a lot of plastic bags and I am really hoping for a sunny morning!

It was great to be able to lend a hand and to spend a happy evening with two such lovely folk.

Let's make it a regular date girls!
(We can always find an excuse for a coffee and a brownie!)


  1. Count me in. I had a great time with two such fab friends :-) Can we make it decaff next time though please? :-)
    A x

  2. OOOOer, I'm now very curious! Scrummy colours. Di x

  3. A fab evening, i'm all for making it a regular thing! Thank you so much both of you for your help, it's the first time for weeks that i've felt relaxed and we whizzed through the work, i thought it would take ages and was near depair last week, thank you both so much, i love you loads. PS Gav's decided to the scrap the girly frills shirt and get a new one!!!!!

  4. I really want to see MORE!!! xxx

  5. Lovely stoneware mug and plate.
    Nice choccy cake and is that her train???
    Sue xx

  6. Sounds like you all had a fab night and the snapshot of the wedding goodness looks beautiful!
    Cant wait to see what it is!
    Keryn x

  7. oooh! that ribbon looks fabulous?
    Going to be a lovely wedding l'm sure
    Fog here too and so cold again..bbbrrr
    Spring has definitely sprung lol
    Hugs XX

  8. MMMmmmmmmm Brownies, Hubby makes the most amazing brownies (He made some last night!) We should swap recipes!


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.