Saturday 26 March 2011

Wedding outfit?

Meet little Dotty.
She has chosen her outfit for the special wedding taking place later this year!

No - not William and Kate!
No - not Tina and Gavin!

Scruffy and Cathy of course!

I think she has chosen well and looks very attractive in her spots with her matching fascinator.

She has her eye on the latest addition to Scruffy's stag party - Smiffy.

He has a cheeky look on his face - I hope he isn't up to mischief!


They have just been sorting out a few pre-wedding plans but I think Scruffy is getting a bit too familiar with Dotty!
It's OK, Cathy looks as if she can keep him under control.

Have a great (if foggy) weekend.


  1. Really love Dotty's outfit. I think she has chosen well. Smiffy does look like he's got a cheeky look on his face. Just fab new little characters Jo.
    A x

  2. omg I lurve Smiffy and her outfit is adorable I love polkadots

  3. Oh Dotty is just TOTALLY delightful!

    I think every little girl should have one!

    And her dimpled knees are adorable! I think I have fallen in love!

    Keryn x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.