Wednesday 23 March 2011


Sunshine, birdsong and Spring flowers - doesn't it make you feel really good!!
I always feel energised when the sun shines, so today, I am keen to get going on a few crafty activities.
I sold one of my little dumfed pictures last week....this one

Since then, I have spent my earnings at least three times over, what with Comic relief, Sunday lunch out and then I went and paid for a subscription to the "QuiltingArts" magazine. lol

So, I decided I should get down to some serious "dumfing" to restock my picture store.
I spent the weekend with daughter M. who borrowed my dumfing machine to make some little pics for a colleague's leaving pressie.
M made some tiny dumfed landscapes and then embellished them with machine stitching. They were really lovely. So, today I am going to make a few myself.
You wouldn't believe the stash of wool, yarn, rovings and dumfy fabric I have to play with!!!!
I have a big bag full of wool roving and lots more crammed into my craft room.
So, have a quick peek at my drawers......

And a-dumfing I will go!!!
UPDATE: my drawers were in a mess! Tipped all my wool out on dining table and I am now colour co-ordinating it and putting it back all nice and tidy!!!!
Don't forget that we have now launched the BIG mystery parcel draw.  It will be open until April 4th so please don't miss out on the chance to win at least £50 worth of beautiful, hand crafted goodies.  Click here to join in the fun.

Have a great day everyone and I will pop over to Julia's tidy desk and join in with the WOYWW blog hop later.


  1. Happy dumfing sis....No time to dumf for me today but I'm sure there will be lots of fun going on here :-)
    A x

  2. Oh, that picture is gorgeous!! Have a great dumfing day!

  3. Happy Dumfing day thats a new word for me .Beautiful day sat in craftroom with doors wide open listening to the birds .Just shame my mojo's not joining me
    hugs judex

  4. hehe..happy Dumfing love the bird picture..a real treasure
    Hugs X

  5. Gorgeous piccy. We're so good at spending our earnings from our crafts over and over and over again!! Have a lovely day. Beautiful scenic view on your blog header. Carolxx

  6. Morning, lovely picture of the birdy. Hope you make lots more Dumfing picture and make a lot of money as its quite expensive as well as therapeutic making lovely things. Hugs JO.xx*34*

  7. Mind you don't spend more time tidying than creating, that's one of my faults!!

    ** Kate **

  8. A beautiful picture,hope you have a very productive day...thanks for sharing Jo (51) xxx

  9. Morning and a lovely sunny Spring one here today. I agree its so nice to hear the birdsong and see the Spring flowers all popping out. I do hope you enjoy your day crafting :)
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #11

  10. Beautiful dumfed Robin picture! Have fun with your new projects! Will look forward to seeing what you create next!
    Happy WOYWW!
    xoxo Karen #22

  11. I know what you mean with comic relief How can you not donate to those poor mites I think I spent most of fri eve in tears! Love the fact that spring is actually coming too! Enjoying the mooch hugs Rebekah xx 57

  12. If we could but hire a cleaner....enjoy the sun and being creative!
    Thanks for sharing today, enjoy yourself...

    Sasa at 12 (Sarah)

  13. Thanks for the peek at your space.

  14. I just adore that picture Jo. Enjoy your dumfing honey! Di x

  15. Love your dumfed picture of the chaffinch. Cute guy and there are some feeding right now outside my window.
    I am going to have to learn how to do felting shortly - ooer - is it difficult?
    Thanks for sharing.

  16. i am going to have to start charging - it costs too much to keep giving away...then I can come and spend my earning at your place

    I am in SWales for my birthday - are you open in your bricks & mortar shop on a Monday?


  17. dumfing? 'scuse the uninitiated...? whatever it is, that's an impressive amount you've got there!

  18. That picture of the bullfinch isso pretty. I am not surprised you have sold it. Not sure if I could have let it go, if it were mine.

  19. Hi Twiglet,
    "Dumfing" is not a word I have heard before. I suppose it's in reference to needle felting? Your bird is lovely, congratulations on selling it. Thanks for stopping by my desk. :-) Have a great rest of your week.

  20. Just look at all of that fabulous wool! And such a pretty picture, too!

  21. It is a wonder you could bear to part with him!
    Looking forward to seeing your new pictures!!
    Sue xx

  22. Great dumfing and look forward to seeing more soon from the next phase.
    Great desk ... well drawers, there but I didn't want to be personal!!
    JoZarty x

  23. Oh, I wasn't sure where to look when you mentioned your drawers! But look I did and what delights you have in there. Is dumfing like needlefelting? I've not tried that (yet!).

    Thanks for already stopping by my desk today.

    Sherry (109)

  24. Beautiful little dumfed picture Jo, and how nice to hear the birds and see the flowers again.

    Brenda 84

  25. wow that is some stash of wool! love your sweet little picture!
    Happy Crafting, Debxx

  26. IAt the risk of sounding really thick - I have never heard of dumfing! Is it like felting? I will have to come back to your blog to see what it's all about. That dumfd picture though is absoloutely stunning! I bet you enjoyed spending those earnings though!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca xx (32)

  27. Hi hun
    congrats on sellin one of ya piccies,lots of lovely wool to play with there, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  28. Well done on selling that gorgeous pic - looking forward to seeing your next creations!

  29. Well you certainly weren't joking about having loads of wool! I love that little birdie picture. Is that the one you did the tutorial on?
    Hugs Mrs A. #54

  30. Thanks for the link will come back and view soon X
    Rebecca (32)

  31. Love the picture.
    Thanks for sharing.

  32. Gorgeous bit of Dumfing! Congrats on the sale - very well deserved - just a beautiful make. Kim

  33. Is "Dumfing" legal I wonder? LOL! I will have to pop over to you for a lesson one day!! Is it addictive?

  34. OOOHH, I love all your wool rovings! And that little bird is gorgeous.

  35. Still not done any dumfinging myslef, but i alway enjoy seeing your work, that bird is adorable :D happy playing :d and thanks for the great monkey pillow and such lol

  36. ah thank heavens for the peer pressure of WOYWW! Makes me keep my area a "little" bit cleaner at least! I love your dumfing word...I laugh everytime I read it!

  37. The birds picture is lovely! Happy dumfing day!

  38. Thanks...turquoise is my favourite too
    How are you liking the sunshine we're having right now?
    Hugs Suz x

  39. Dumfing eh? that's a new one on me but doesn't that little bird look great.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  40. Oh the picture you made of that bird was just so lovely - I couldn't sell that but I guess you shouldn't get too attached to things! Huh you have lots of wool - I do and as my daughter got into knitting now my wool stash is slowly dissapearing - I am happy she is doing something crafty though as for a long time she showed no interest!
    Lots of hugs,

  41. Great busy, full drawers. Happy Dumfing! Love that word - dumfing!

  42. Beautiful picture! Love all the drawers of fun stuff! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #162

  43. Sorrrreeee I'm sooo late! Your dumfie bird card is amazing. I have something I umm...washed and shouldn't've done so now I'm thinking now it might make a good dumfing thing! Happy Very Late WOYWW

  44. I love dumplings too, although I didn't know you could use them to make art!

    Thank you for stopping by; sorry I'm so late returning your visit.

    cheers, rachel

  45. Love your pictures hope you have sorted all your wall and reclaimed your dining room table


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.