Monday 28 February 2011

Oh so fickle Scruffy!

Dusty has gone on her travels.
She popped into her travel bag and after checking her label was securely attached, Twiglet posted her to her new owner.

Well, you would think Scruffy may have been a little subdued.
No chance.
He found Dusty's twin sister, Tottie,  sitting demurely watching Twiglet make a new little friend. As you can see, he has snuggled up to her and all thoughts of Dusty are well and truly gone - oh so fickle Scruffy!!!

Meanwhile Pinxie has her eye on the new desk tidy and matching items which are all ready to go in Sisters Crafty Creations blog shop. She thinks the baby wipe holder, needle case and pin cushion would match her outfit perfectly and I am inclined to agree. She is certainly in the pink!!

And the latest news from the blog shop
Emmys, Brits, Oscars and now......... the Joannies!

Today we are awarding our first Joannie.
This is the first give away for our new range of crafter's accessories.

Our first give away gift is the crafter's apron. We had such a wonderful response...over 60 great blogging buddies left brilliant comments and feedback......we decided we would give 2 aprons away.
So pop over to Sisters Crafty Creations and see who won.
Then, while you are there - leave a comment on this week's gift - a pretty penroll. This time next week you could be the lucky winner!

 Oh - and the aprons are now on sale in the blog shop if you are interested.


  1. Oh Scruffy! You're not the man I thought you were! Tottie is such a cutie I know but I would have hoped you wouldn't have moved on quite so easily.
    Love the new desk accessories.
    A x

  2. Hi Twiglet
    Your dolls are so cute and cuddly. The other items you have made are wonderful too. You and your sister are so talented and productive.
    Sue xxi


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.