Wednesday 2 March 2011

WOYWW- bags and new friends.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Scruffy, Tottie and Smudge are sitting proudly on the window-sill admiring Twiglet's new bag!

What do you think of it kind followers?
It is about 50cm wide by 35 cm deep and has a firm, oblong base.
There are 8 outer pockets and 3 inner pockets.
It is lined with the same, Linda Beard "Dolly Mixture" fabric.

It is my proto-type and took ages to make so I am not sure if I would make more.
But it is a possibility - maybe with a few "adjustments".

Wipso and I will put it in the shop give away next week (Week3).
We would like the lucky winner to trial it for us and give us an honest opinion on its usefulness.
So leave a comment here and let me know you are interested.

Don't forget to leave us a comment in this week's gift draw over in the shop to be in with a chance to win the pen roll and tick the button to follow us over there cos there is a big draw coming up soon.

A big, big thank you to all you fab followers who left such brilliant comments about our crafter's apron last week and well done to Angie and Angela who were the lucky winners of the give-away!

OK folks, just a short post from me for today. Pop over to Julia's blog and join in the WOYWW fun.

Have a great week and thanks for popping by.


  1. You will need a wider window sill soon for all those easily excited little friends :-)
    A x

  2. Your window sill look fab love em .As for your tote/Bag that is super cool soo many pockets .Ideal fro craft sessions or even when i go to crops .You sooo must make more hun !So handy i will be sure to be back next week to enter think absolutely fab!
    Happy creative wednesday
    love n hugs judex 35

  3. Love the bag, its so pretty and I love the rainbow photo on your header, its so beautiful :) Where abouts was it taken??
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #68

  4. I love those cheeky chappies and the bag. Could have done with that last week.
    hugs Joanne #22 xx

  5. Hi hun
    aww luv thecuties on ya window sill,luv the bag brill to take out to a friends, lovely material, please pop me name in the bag,have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (31)

  6. The bag looks good and it's a great idea to get someone to trial it. I'm a very messy crafter so I can see straight away that the lovely fabric would take a battering if it came to me!

    ** Kate **

  7. Scruffy, Tottie and Smudge are soo cute and I love your bag, it looks awesome! Hope you have a wonderful WOYWW!

  8. The tote looks gorgeous- shame it took a long time to make, as more would be great!

    Say hi to Scruffs and friends for me; hope there is no evidence of builder's bum there....


  9. Can I have your desk & window sill please? So much tidier than mine! LOL!
    Hugs, Sandra

  10. What a fun trio to be hanging out with. Thanks for letting us peek. S

  11. Its a super bag. Looks very useful. Thanks for joining in the blog tour.

  12. The bag is delightful - hope they look after it on the window sill.

  13. I love how your little ones are sitting keeping an eye on that bag. I think it will be a super handy bag with all those pockets, especially for crafters who can tuck odds and ends in those pockets. #36

  14. What a totally fabulous bag! No wonder your little friends won't leave their perch. Probably figuring out how to carry it off. TFS!!

  15. Scruffy, Tottie and Smudge look so cumfy sat on the window sill. The bag looks great. Hugs Pam x

  16. That bag looks great to me! Happy Wednesday, TFS, Jo x

  17. What cute friends...i love them! The bag looks great and very useful for all sorts of things, not just crafting! I will be sure to come back and enter next week!

  18. Love your little friends and the bag :) Di x

  19. I love the design of your bag and the fabric is totally beautiful!

    Sherry (118)

  20. That bag looks lovely and your little friends are so cute

  21. Love your liitle friends! Bag looks like a keeper!..Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a great WOYWW.

    Hugs, Marjo #5

  22. Top Tottie Twiglet sitting on shelf
    Top tottie Twiglet isn't like an elf

    and there were more lines but,
    - sung to a tune of my own making - hmm doesn't work in a comments box, ah well...


  23. Bag is in such a pretty fabric! You can't really do much before the window sill gang report to us about it, huh!

  24. What a lovely bag. As a quilter and sewer I know how tricky and fiddly bags can be. Those lovely people on your windowsil would look sooo cute in the pockets too.

    Hettie 135

  25. oh wow, how cute are those little people? Your bag is so pretty and those pockets will be so useful! I love it! I love fabric bags and always get numerous people commenting on them! Very popular just now! hugs Debx

  26. the bag looks great, the only negative is that the outside pockets could be a bit deeper. then you could keep your friends in there too

  27. ooh that is pretty maybe to make it less hard to make do a smaller version? I don't know if that would help though! I'm currently sewing a tote lol so bags are all in either way haha its beautiful though your bag

  28. Love all those little guys sitting at the sweet! Great bag by the way, can only imagine the time spent making it. Enjoy the rest of WOYWW.

  29. that's a good idea, to have someone try it out. sometimes you wouldn't know if the size and the pockets are just right until you're using the bag.

  30. Beautiful bag! No wonder your friends are sitting there ogling it! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #49

  31. Jo, I’m always amazed at your creativity and just wonder how you ever find the time for all your crafty makes.

    Your three new friends are really cute and I can see why they are standing guard over your new bag. How fab is that!

    Thanks for sharing your desk this week.

  32. Great design and very clever to think of how dearly we love to take out crafty bags..Shaz in Oz.x

  33. Fabby bag! I'll nip over to SCC and put me name down now....

  34. Lovely tote, the fabric is so pretty. Cute little friends on the sill. Hugs Jovi #160

  35. I have a cat called Smudge lol
    That bag is brilliant ...I can see why its not the easiest to make. Wouls be great to gather the bits and bobs needed for a project ...especially if cropping with out a car and not wanting to take too much. I was wondering if one could use it for a 'Day Out' bag ... sandwiches bottle of water etc ...maybe the pockets are the wrong dimentions ??

  36. The bag looks great. I think a couple of longer pockets on the outside would be great for holding those drinking cups with straws in...

  37. That bag looks like it could hold a lot of stuff!
    Happy belated WOYWW

  38. Hi there, Thanks for visiting my blog. Your bag looks nice. Is there a pocket on the inside?

  39. Love the bag, wouldn't be able to use it though its so beautiful I'll be scared to get it mucky.
    Love the cute fellows on the windowsill.

  40. Beautiful bag! love your little friends on the windowsill too.


  41. Love your sweet little people on the windowsill - I'm sure they can only be admiring the bag - it is lovely and so practical too. You could get a lot of crafty bits and pieces in this bag I'm sure. I'm late and playing catch up but had to pop in and see what you were up this week. Elizabeth x #73

  42. This is a handy crafters bags, love the fabric x


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.