Wednesday 23 February 2011

WOYWW - crafty give-away.

Happy Wednesday everyone!!
Another busy week has flown by!

Firstly, if you haven't put your name down in the blog shop, and would like to be in with a chance to win the first of our weekly gifts, then please pop over here and leave us a comment saying what you would use the apron for and why you would like it. Good luck girls.

The apron is made in grey/white cotton fabric and ties at the back.
It has 6 pockets for all those bits and bobs crafters need to carry around.
We would like feedback from the lucky winner so that we know we have the length/ size of pockets right etc.

UPDATE - there are some fab comments so far with some brilliant uses for my apron - I think I need to get busy sewing and maybe offer 2 as give- aways!! 

So - go on - pop over to Sisters Crafty Creations, leave a comment and you will be in with a winning chance!
My desk today is loaded with all the goodies ready for the shop.
Checkout my last blog if you want a better look.

And finally...
My latest knitting. Its a gorgeous little cardi for P. in Sirdar Baby Crofter.

A cute little new baby hoodie.

Ok folks.
Have a fab Wednesday. Enjoy your blog hop with the Queen of Snoop - the lovely Julia!
Pop over to her blog and join in.


  1. What fabulous knitting - so adorable. Love that hoody!
    Love the pinny - have been across and left a comment. It is fabulous. #27

  2. Gorgeous knitting Jo. Keep going :-) I'm happy to provide the wool :-)
    A x

  3. awe, very cute cardies :) love your apron it's super. Have a great day..xx

  4. fab apron, been and left a comment.

    love your little cardigans, so cute!

    caroline #53

  5. those baby outfits are so cute
    vicky #59

  6. Hi ya hun
    have popped me name down for the fabby pinny, gorgeous little jackest hun, i cant knit to save me life,,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(18)

  7. Beautiful baby knits.

    ** Kate **

  8. Fabulous apron i have left a comment and keeping my fingers crossed im lucky!Please pop by my blog as i have candy up for grabs too.
    hugs judex 7

  9. Who is that I spy stood next to scruffy on the window sill?
    Love the pen/pencil roll and in my colours too. Fancy that!!!!

  10. Great new goodies,love the knitting, especially that cute little hoodie! Not sure I like that big ruler stuck in the apron! I craft sitting down and I think that might be a tad painful!!!

    Brenda 103

  11. Cute cardis. I have left a little something for you on my blog. Hugs Pam x

  12. Great knitted cardi and hoodie. :)

    Thank you for sharing.

  13. Such cute little knitted clothes, love them!

  14. I never learned to knit....beautiful work girl. Love your space!

  15. Hello Jo, gorgeous knitting. I'm sure I knitted the hoodie, or a very similar pattern for my son when he was a baby - he's 42 this year. The big name in yarns then were Sirdar and Patons & Baldwins and I treasured the P&B patterns for years but gave them to my daughter when she was having babies. I wonder if she still has them. Love the apron so I'm off over to your shop to put my name down. Elizabet x #114

  16. Hi Twiglet! Thanks for calling by - I had a good gggle about the knitting - which is super BTW! Am knitting a kinda fisherman's woolly hat for OH - he insists his head is big (his words not mine!) so have made it longe/wider. At this flipping rate all we need is a bell and he'll be like one of the Seven Dwarves :)) Di x

  17. i'm a gonna have to knit or crochet some of my dolls some clothes now and it is all your doing -


  18. You make me want to find the knitting needles again - maybe not - it will be nowhere near as neat as yours as I am well out of practice!
    Love your Pinnieon - here's hoping!!

    Sam aka Hettie #135

  19. Love how the window is right by your desk. Gorgeous knitting.

  20. Looks lovely, beautiful knitted wonders. Thanks for the heads up re the apron, thanks for the snoop, blessings Hilde

  21. Oh, lovely knitting again..little P must be the best dressed baby in town! Am off to check out the shop comments now..nosey huh!!

  22. your work is always amazing, I am always in awe at what you create, love your line up of cuties on your window, just adorable!! love the apron too, have put my name into the hat! hope you are keeping well, loads of hugs, mandyxxx

  23. Awww, what lovely things! Pretty babywear, and I see that Scruffy has some new partners in crime.


  24. Cute baby things, you're doing good.

  25. Love the photo of your work space with all those lovely red things x

  26. Love the crafting apron and your little cargi are lovely - so wish i could knit ~ thanks for sharing ~ Nicky no.4

  27. Looks like you are being very busy! I love the knitting and the apron is very nice. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #148


Thanks for all your comments. I really appreciate your thoughts and ideas.